Special Collections

Barbara Reynolds Memorial Archives The most extensive collection of interdisciplinary materials related to the legacy of nuclear war in the United States, housed in the Peace Resource Center of Wilmington College.

Japanese medical manuscript notebooks 1810-1849 and undated, Duke University. The sixty-three Japanese manuscript volumes in this collection were created from 1810 to 1849, chiefly by medical students, and document Japanese medical training and practices during the Edo period, as well as the conjoining of Chinese-inspired materia medica with current Western medical practices introduced primarily by the Dutch.

The Gordon W. Prange Collection University of Maryland. The contents of the Prange Collection once constituted the files of the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD), an operating unit of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP) Press, Pictorial and Broadcast Division. Between 1945 and 1949, the CCD was responsible for reviewing all Japanese publications to identify violations of the Code for the Japanese Press. 

琉球・沖縄関係貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ University of the Ryukyus Library Ryukyu/Okinawa Special Collection Digital Archives

The Makino Mamoru Collection on the History of East Asian Film, 1863-2015  The collection is available for users in the Rare Book and Special Collections Reading Room, C.V. Starr East Asian Library at Columbia University.

日中文庫 日中歴史研究センターの旧蔵書で、2006年に国際日本文化研究センターに寄贈 近代日 中関係を中心とする歴史文献.

Digitized Collections

Kyoto University Special collection 京都大学貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ 41 special collections are digitized 


Juvenile fiction from the Meiji and Taisho periods, including the Tatsukawa (Tachikawa) Bunko series University of Pennsylvania, 225 books are viewable in full color.

Japanese Illustrated Books Metropolitan Museum of Art

One Hundred Poets 55 books and 13 different card sets relating to the poetry anthology Hyakunin Isshu 百人一首 are digitized and provided through the University of British Columbia Library Portal.

Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) Prints in the British Library

Gertrude Bass Warner Papers, 1909-1923 University of Oregon

丸山眞男文庫 草稿類デジタルアーカイブ

矢田部良吉(1851生~1899没)デジタルアーカイブ Ryokichi Yatabe: Life of a Japanese Scientist in the Early Meiji Period

Archival collections

Oral History of Japanese Studies Scholars 1960s-80s Interviews were conducted by Dr. George Akita, and donated to the University of Hawaii Library.

Edward G. Seidensticker Archive (1948-1980) at University of Colorado Boulder libraries

Yamada Diary Held at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC.