About File Storage on VITAL

This section of VITAL is a handy place to store bulky files that are linked to (often by the handful) within individual documents posted elsewhere on VITAL.

VITAL is a privately published LibGuide. This means that a known URL is required to view the site. An extra layer of security is provided via authentication: a login is required to edit or contribute to VITAL; additionally, even with a known URL, a login is required just to view "hidden" areas of the site, such as the Shared Teaching Materials section.

That said, please take precautions not to post materials that would be in violation of copyright or that would violate privacy without consent. Search engines may be able to crawl the site, excluding "hidden" pages.

In some cases, sensitive files may be stored in iSites, where their visibility, even with known URLs, may be limited to a specific audience. It is possible to provide links to these files from VITAL.

Most materials on VITAL should be accessible to both HCL and HUL librarians; therefore, please be mindful when defining access permissions in iSites. Thank you.