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A Primary Source Field Guide for Social Studies During COVID-19


Pro Searching Tips

OPTION 1 (focus on empirical methods):

Sometimes, particular keywords and phrases help HOLLIS surface primary sources. Students can experiment by adding a social sciences method or form to their search strings.  Click on the examples below (results have also been limited to )

post-conflict AND states AND "case studies"

emigration AND china AND ethnograph 

(incarceration OR prison) AND mothers AND "united states" AND  interviews 

These same searches could also be tried with these filters (and, obviously, others) in HOLLIS: 

 NOTE:  To tighten a search even further, consider also adding the resource type filter , which will eliminate academic book reviews.


OPTION 2 (thinking in terms of format):

After executing a keyword search, examine the FORM/GENRE categories, one of the right side limits. 

A search on post-conflict AND states (also limited to )  yields a form/genre list that includes several types of primary sources:

 NOTE These classifications can be powerful, but they've often been applied inconsistently, so results are not exhaustive, just indicative. Items that haven't been categorized this way by library catalogers probably exist in greater numbers than form/genre results suggest.