Citation styles are the format in which a citation should be written (different from citation tools). Common styles used at Harvard:

APA | Chicago | MLA | Legal Citations | About the"Harvard" Style

Typically, citation styles are common to a given field of study. For instance, the discipline of History tends to use the Chicago Style.

  • If you are a student, your department or instructor will tell you what style to use.
  • Publishing? Your publisher will have a given style they prefer.

For further assistance with citation styles or locating these materials at Harvard Library, Harvard affiliates can contact our Ask a Librarian. (Please specify the citation style and your Harvard school/department for the most expedient assistance.)

APA Style

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition (Print Only)

  • The print guide to APA is the official guide to citing in APA style.


APA Style Reference Examples

APA: Frequently Asked Questions about APA Style

Chicago Style

The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition (Harvard Login)

  • Can also get to the 16th here

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition

  • For those who don't have access to the official style guide or want to see the information presented in a slightly different way.

MLA Style

MLA Handbook, 9th Edition

MLA Style Center -- can be very useful for help with types of sources that aren't covered in the Handbook

About the "Harvard" Style

also called the Harvard Referencing System or "Author-date Referencing"

Harvard Library doesn't provide support for this style. If you're looking for authoritative guidance, there are many excellent sources freely available online, and the Chicago Manual of Style has an excellent chapter on Author-Date Referencing.

The name "Harvard" is misleading in this case. There is no official institutional connection between Harvard University and this citation style. For more about this style and how it became informally associated with Harvard University, please see our What is the Harvard Referencing Style? FAQ.