Finding Periodical Articles
General and Popular Periodicals
Specialized Indexes
Information on Periodicals
Sources of historical (secondary source) articles are listed on the Secondary Sources page. Below are listed sources for general and popular periodicals (magazines) and for academic disciplines, the professions and labor.
To find region-specific periodical indexes see:
Finding Articles in General and Popular Periodicals (North America and Western Europe)
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Africa
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on South and Southeast Asia
East Asian Studies Research Guide: 4. Journal Literature
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Latin America
Slavic and Eurasian Studies: A Research Guide
The HOLLIS Catalog+Articles database searches the HOLLIS Library Catalog plus a very large collection of online resources. Numerous collections of e-journals are searched, but are searched independently of the subject-based periodical indexes. HOLLIS is not a substitute for searching the periodical indexes, which offer special searching features and coverage of paper format articles. The HOLLIS Catalog+Articles search is excellent for interdisciplinary searching and finding material in unexpected places.
Personalize reorders the articles in your search results with articles from a chosen discipline at the top. Select Resource Type: Articles. Hit Personalize (at the top of the Results list) and select your discipline(s).
In HathiTrust Advanced Full Text Search, you can put your search terms (article text or title words) in one search box as a full text search and place the title of a journal of interest in the other. Or in the second box you can put a Library of Congress Subject Term, adjusting the search box menu to Subject rather than Title, and limiting to Format: Journal.
General and Popular Periodicals
More general periodical indexes are listed in Finding Articles in General and Popular Periodicals (North America and Western Europe).
Academic Search Premier (largely 1980s- ) is the usual index of first resort for general periodical searches. It indexes over 3000 journals in most fields plus many general interest periodicals. Full text is available for many of the periodicals. Includes Time full text back to 1923. Book reviews are included. A few periodicals have indexing back to the 1970s.
Alternative press index (1969- ) indexes the alternative/radical periodical literature. Book reviews are included.
HOLLIS Record (Online and Print)
The online version, Alt-Press Watch, covers 1995 to the present, with a few periodicals covered from the 1980s, and Off Our Backs from 1970.
Annotations: a directory of periodicals listed in the Alternative Press Index is also available online as The Alternative Press Center's Online Directory. Print version: HOLLIS Record
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection (1691-1877)
American Periodicals Series Online (1740-1900) offers full text of about 1100 American periodicals. Includes several scientific and medical journals including the American Journal of Science and the Medical Repository. In cases where a periodical started before 1900, coverage is included until 1940.
British Periodicals (1681-1920) offers full text for several hundred British periodicals. List of included periodicals.
Ethnic NewsWatch (1959- ) is a full text database of the newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press.
Fortune Magazine (1930-2002) includes front and back covers as well as advertisements and all articles
Google Magazines has full text of many 20th century magazines, including Life (1936-1972). List of Magazines included. Full text searchable. Search a magazine title in Google Books Advanced Search: Title Return books with the title; shift from All Content to Magazines
Harper's Magazine Online offers the full text of Harper's Magazine (1850-1899).
HarpWeek (1857-1912) offers full text of Harper's Weekly.
MasterFILE Premier (1980- ), designed for school and public library use, indexes more popular magazines than Academic Search Premier. A few magazines indexed back to circa. 1900. Includes full-text Saturday Evening Post back to 1931.
Nation Archives (1865- ) includes full text of complete run of The Nation. Annual update lags behind 1 year.
Newsweek Archive (1933-2012)
Nineteenth Century in Print: The Making of America in Books and Periodicals: Periodicals offers over 30 Nineteenth Century American periodicals digitized and full-text searchable. Some of the titles currently have only short runs available.
Nineteenth Century Masterfile includes several Nineteenth Century periodical indexes together with many separate indexes to individual periodicals. The most important index included is Poole's index to periodical literature (1802-1906) which indexes 479 American and English periodicals. In the print version, articles are indexed by subject, not author. Fiction, poetry, plays are listed by title. Book reviews are listed under subject; reviews of fiction, poetry, plays are listed under the author of the work. Online version offers numerous links to full text in HathiTrust. Print version of Poole's index:
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663. 5 Library has: 6 v. in 7
Opinion Archives offers a full text, as well as author/title, search of full runs of the following opinion periodicals:
American Spectator (1972- ) - Commentary – (1945- ) Commonweal (1924) - Dissent (1954- ) - Harpers Magazine (1850- ) - Moment (1975- )- NACLA (1966- ) - Nation (1965- ) - National Review (1955- ) - New Leader (1924- ) - New Republic (1914- ) - New York Review (1963- ) - New Yorker (1925- ) - Orion Magazine (1982- ) - Progressive (1909- )- Washington Monthly (1969- ) - Weekly Standard (1995- )
The political orientation of several of these magazine, together with that of several others, is specified in the News and Opinion section of the biennial Magazines for Libraries (1969- ).
A history of American magazines, by Frank Luther Mott. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1938-1968, 5 v.
--V. 1. 1741-1850 -- v. 2. 1850-1865 -- v. 3. 1865-1885 -- v. 4. 1885-1905 -- v. 5. Sketches of 21 magazines, 1905-1930, with a cumulative index to the five volumes.
Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of over 6000 journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. About 750 of these are full text. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal.
- Basic Search searches the full text of those journals with full text, together with the citations of the non-full text journals.
- In Advanced search, adjust the menu to Anywhere except full text to search citations only.
Reader's Guide Retrospective (WilsonWeb) (1890-1982), online version of the Readers' guide to periodical literature, indexes many American popular periodicals. Print version: Readers' guide to periodical literature (1900- )
RSAP Resources for Research: Periodicals (Research Society for American Periodicals) provides links to collections of 18th, 19th, and 20th century full-text periodicals.
Saturday Evening Post
--Internet Archive, 1829-2014
--MasterFILE Premier, 1931-
--SEP Archives, 1821-
Saturday Review (1925-1986)
Time magazine. Browse at their site. You can easily search in Academic Search Premier by putting your search terms in one box and adjusting another to Journal name: Time. Limit by year.
U. S. News and World Report, 1948- . (merger of U. S. News (1933-1947) and World Report (1946-1947))
Internet Archive full text (U.S. News Weekly + Special Issues 1933-2015)
Web of Science Citation Indexes allow citation searching, that is, starting with an article of interest and finding more recent articles that have cited it. Covers: science, 1900- ; social science, 1900- ; arts/humanities, 1975- . More information.
Women's Magazine Archive (1846-2005) includes: Better Homes and Gardens (1922-2005) - Chatelaine (1928-2005) - Good Housekeeping (1885-2005) - Ladies' Home Journal (1883-2005) - Parents (1926-2005) - Redbook (1903-2005). More sources for women's magazines.
Specialized Indexes
Listed here is a selection of the major indexes
- General Humanities and Social Sciences Literature
- Alternative/Radical Press
- Anthropology
- Art/Architecture
- Business and Trade
- Criminology
- Economics
- Education
- Environment
- Film, Mass Media
- Gender Studies
- Labor Articles
- Law
- Literature
- Minority Studies/Race Relations
- Military
- Philosophy
- Political Science/Public Policy
- Psychology
- Religion
- Science, Technology, Medicine
- Sociology/Social Welfare
- Sports
- Technology
General Humanities and Social Sciences Literature
Allgemeine Bibliographie der Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften (1868-1914) is a serial bibliography of law, political science, and economics, divided by nationality with detailed subject index.
Law School | K38 .A45
HathiTrust version
Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of thousands of journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal. Includes book reviews.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of over 1900 journals. Allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of many historical journals. Included journals are listed under discipline on the Advanced Search page. Harvard does not have access to the JSTOR full text books.
Web of Science Citation Indexes allow citation searching, that is, starting with an article of interest and finding more recent articles that have cited it. Covers: science, 1900- ; social science, 1900- ; arts/humanities, 1975- . More information.
Alternative press index (1969- ) indexes the alternative/radical periodical literature. Book reviews are included.
HOLLIS Record (Online and Print)
The online version, Alt-Press Watch, covers 1995 to the present, with a few periodicals covered from the 1980s, and Off Our Backs from 1970.
Annotations: a directory of periodicals listed in the Alternative Press Index is also available online as The Alternative Press Center's Online Directory.
Independent voices : an open access collection of an Alternative Press
Anthropology Plus (late 1800s-present)
--Searches the major literature, including journals, in anthropology and related fields
AnthroSource (Late 19th century – ) offers searchable full-text of 28 journals and newsletters published by the American Anthropological Association. Some text drawn from JSTOR. Included journals are also indexed in Anthropology Plus, but Anthrosource allows full text searching. Newsletters in Anthrosource are generally not indexed in Anthropology Plus
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (1951- ) includes: International bibliography of anthropology
JSTOR allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of many anthropological and archaeological journals from their inceptions to about 5 years ago. List of included journals available in Advanced Search.
See History of Art & Architecture guide
Business Premium Collection (1971-; a few back to the 1920s) indexes academic management, marketing, and general business journals. Open Change Databases at top to see the databases included within Business Premium Collection
Business Source Complete (early 20th century- )
American city business journals (1990s- )
Industrial arts index (1913-57) indexes English-language applied science, technical, trade, and management literature: the literature of practice.
HathiTrust version (Full text 1913-1922)
See the Library Research Guide for the Warren Center (Crime)
EconLit (1969- ) indexes articles from over 525 journals. Since 1987 includes books and dissertations. Earlier years available in print in Index to Economic Journals (1886- ) and Index of economic articles in collective volumes (1960- )
International bibliography of economics (1953- ), included in International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, is a bibliography of periodical articles, books, essays in books, and government publications.
Economist Historical Archive (1843-2004).
Education Source (1929- ) indexes articles of at least one column length from more than 535 English-language journals and yearbooks worldwide. Records of books (1995- ) are included. Includes book reviews.
ERIC (1966- ) includes published and unpublished reports and other sources from RIE (Resources in Education) and periodical articles from CIJE (Current Index to Journals in Education). No book reviews.
Bibliography of education. In: Educational review, 1899-1906. LOCATION: Gutman Education: Per L11.S35
Bibliography of education and its successors are available full text in HathiTrust. Advanced Full Text search with Bibliography of education as this exact phrase in lower box
Continued by: Bibliography of education, 1907-1912 (United States Bureau of Education Bulletin). LOCATION: Gutman Education: Z5811.B86
Continued by: Record of current educational publications, 1912-Jan/Mar 1932. (U. S. Office of Education). LOCATION: Gutman Education: L111.A62 LOCATION: Gutman Education: L111.A6 no.15
British education index, 1954- . LOCATION: Gutman Education: Ref Index Z5813.B7 (1954-83, 1985-94)
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of numerous education journals. Allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of many educational journals. List of included journals.
Primary Search (1984- ) offers indexing and full text (1989- ) for nearly 100 elementary school level children's magazines.
Library Research Guide for the History of Science
History of Mass Communication in America: An Internet Bibliography
Communication abstracts (Largely1970s- ; some earlier)
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive (1880–2000) covers film, broadcasting, popular music and theatre.
Film index international, 1930- . Lists articles on films, including documentary films, short subjects, and made-for-TV movies, as well as feature films. Includes information on over 90,000 films.
Film & Television Literature Index, 1914- ; mainly 1980- ) international coverage on all aspects of television and film.
FIAF International FilmArchive Database (1972- ) contains:
- Directory of film/TV documentation collections
- Bibliography of Latin American cinema
- International index to film periodicals
- International index to television periodicals
GenderWatch (1974- ) provides full text of scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings, and government, non-governmental organization, and special reports.
Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts (1995-)
LGBT Life with Full Text indexes magazines, academic journals, news sources, gray literature, and books that deal with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender concerns.
The Gerritsen collection :women's history online, 1543-1945 includes books, pamphlets, and periodicals. Full text searchable.
Inventory of marriage and family literature, 1973-1994. 18 v.
Widener | Soc 5205.5
International bibliography of research in marriage and the family. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2 v.
CONTENTS: v. 1, 1900-1964; v. 2, 1965-1972.
Widener | Soc 5205.4 F (F means it is oversize and at the end of the Soc’s)
Women's Studies International (1972- ) accesses a variety of women's studies databases.
Digitized labor journals/directories/proceedings in Labor History Links
Labor History: Digitized Labor Publications (U. Maryland)
The Online Books Page: Labor Unions
Labor Periodicals (Internet Archive)
These specialized print indexes are largely in the Harvard Depository. The link leads to the HOLLIS record. Scroll down for Depository request links. In some cases we do not have the full run.
University of Michigan index to labor union periodicals (1961-1965) and Michigan index to labor union periodicals (1966-1968).
Trade union publications: the official journals, convention proceedings, and constitutions of international unions and federations, 1850-1941
--Vol 1. Lists unions by industry with information on history and publications.
--Vols. 2-3. Subject index of labor periodicals.
Index to labor articles, 1927-1953 (Labor Research Department, Rand School of Social Science).
Index to labor periodicals, 1926-1927.
Work related abstracts, 1973-1992.
Employment relations abstracts, 1959-1972
which continues:
Labor-personnel index, 1950-1958. Looseleaf format. Articles grouped my major topics, subject index pages in front of volume.
See Library Research Guide for History 97g: "What is Legal History?"
Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature: ABELL (1920- ) includes book reviews of literary works as well as literary criticism.
MLA International Bibliography (1926- )
Library Research Guide for the History of Science
Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals [title varies] (1949- ) indexes 75 international English language military and aeronautical periodicals.
Guide with links to online
Index to contemporary military articles of the World War II era, 1939-1949, by Benjamin R. Beede. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2005, 455 p.
Minority Studies/Race Relations
Race Relations Abstracts (1975-Present)
Philosopher's Index provides bibliographic information and abstracts for articles and books on philosophy published since 1940.
Political Science/Public Policy
Resources of First Resort
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) (1991- ) includes articles, books, conference proceedings, working papers, etc.
International bibliography of political science (1953- ), included in International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, is a bibliography of periodical articles, books, essays in books, and government publications.
JSTOR includes the full text of 119 political science journals from their date of inception to about 5 years ago. Use Advanced search to limit to Political Science journals.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) (1915- ) indexes international public and social policy literature. Includes journal articles, books, book chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, government documents, etc.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (1975- )
Additional Resources
Alternative press index (1969- ) is available online as Alt-Press Watch (1995- ) indexes the alternative/radical periodical literature. Includes book reviews. Alternative Press Center's Online Directory lists periodicals in the Alternative Press Index. For earlier coverage:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. AI3.A4 Consult Braun Room.
LOCATION: Gutman Education: Per PN4888.U5 A27 (1969-1971)
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663.8 Latest 10 years WID-LC HN90.R3 A48x Earlier
Bibliographie courante d'articles de périodiques postérieurs 1944 sur les problèmes politiques, économiques et sociaux. 1968. 17 v.
LOCATION:Widener: WID-LC AI7.F59x 1968 F
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI7.F6F (Supplément, 1969-1981)
--Articles grouped by country, then subject.
Bulletin analytique de documentation politique, economique et sociale contemporaine, 1946-
LOCATION: Law School: 4 66 (missing 1985, 1987, 1988, 1994)
LOCATION: Widener: B 425.56 (1949-1998)
--Worldwide coverage, abstracts in French. Subject classed list with author index.
C.R.I.S.: the combined retrospective index set to journals in political science, 1886-1974
LOCATION: Law School: ILS RR JA1.A1 Z992x 1977 Library has: v.1-8
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA1.A1 Z992 1977x Library has: 8 v.
--Over 115,000 articles from over 200 English-language journals arranged by subject. Journal code numbers in the entries are explained on the end-papers.
Military and Government Collection (largely 1980s- ).covers periodicals, many with full text, on military, foreign affairs, national security, intelligence, etc. Considerable earlier indexing (Congressional Digest back to 1922).
ProQuest Government Periodicals Index (1988- ).
Index to periodical articles ... in the Library of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1950-1989.
1950-1964. LOCATION: Widener: H 9.64.5 Library has: 2 v.
1965-1972. LOCATION: Widener: H 9.64.6
1973-1978. LOCATION: Widener: H 9. 64.7 F
1979-1989. LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Microfiche W 4007 Microfiche Library has: 50 microfiche. INDEX Microfiche W 4007 = Guide
--Unannotated references grouped by subject classification (guide in front), subject and geographical indexes.
Indexes to independent Socialist periodicals.
LOCATION: Widener: Soc 708.11 no.4
Indexes: Anvil, 1949-60; Labor Action, 1949-58; The New International, 1934-58; Student Partisan, 1947-50.
Left Index Online (1982- , a few earlier) Promptly indexes Marxist, radical, and leftist articles. No newsletters or newspapers.
PARLIT Database (1992- ) includes citations for books and articles on parliamentary law and practice.
Theories of political processes: a bibliographic guide to the journal literature, 1965-1995, by G. G. Brunk.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA71.Z99 B78 1997x
--Arranged by subject, with author and subject indexes.
United States political science documents, 1975-91.
LOCATION: Littauer: RR Z 7165.U5.U5x
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA66.Z99 U54x
--Abstracts about 150 U.S. political and public policy journals.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (1975- )
Continues: Political science, government & public policy series. Annual supplement. 1967 -79.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA66.Z99 U64x Supplwhich continues:
Political science, government, and public policy: an annotated and intensively indexed compilation of significant books, pamphlets, and articles, selected and processed by the Universal Reference System.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC JA71.Z99 U54x 1967 Vol. 1 = 2d ed. Library has: 10 v.
--Indexed bibliography of selected older works, with a preponderance of 20th century and current publications.
v.1 International affairs -- v.2 Legislative process, representation, and decision-making -- v.3 Bibliography of bibliographies in political science, government and public policy -- v.4 Administrative management -- v.5 Current events and problems of modern society -- v.6 Public opinion, mass behavior, and political psychology -- v.7 Law, jurisprudence, and judicial process -- v.8 Economic regulation -- v.9 Public policy and the management of science -- v.10 Comparative government and cultures.
Library Research Guide for the History of Science
ATLA Religion index (1949- ) indexes articles, covering over 500 journals, essays in books, and book reviews (1949- ), with Protestant emphasis but some coverage of Catholic, Jewish, and other religious literature. Includes archeological literature of religious significance. Incorporates the print publications: Religion index 1: periodicals (1977- ), Religion index 2: multi-author works (1976- ), Index to book reviews in religion (1986- ), Index to religious periodical literature (1949-76), and Methodist reviews index (1818-1885).
Catholic periodical and literature index (1930- ; online version: 1981- ) indexes about 200 periodicals and lists books. Includes book reviews and Papal documents. Covers, mainly, British, Canadian, Irish, and U.S. publications. Print version:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. AI3.C32
Guide to Catholic literature, 1888-1967.
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. Z7837.G9
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC BX1751.2.Z99 G85x
Christian periodical index (1956- ; online version 1976- , limited earlier coverage) indexes over 120, largely U.S. evangelical and fundamentalist periodicals. Includes book and media reviews. There are author, subject, book review, and book title indexes. Print version (1956- ):
Location : Andover-Harv. Theol Ref. Z7753 .C5 (1956-1975)
Index Islamicus (1906- ) indexes articles, essays in books, and books (beginning in 1976) in Western languages on the Muslim world. Covers both Islamic countries and Muslim minorities. Includes pre-Islamic Arabian history and non-Muslim Turkic peoples, past and present. Inclusion of book reviews begins in 1993. Newspapers (and other periodicals published more than once monthly), gray literature, and government publications are not included. Print version:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. DS44.I37
LOCATION: Fine Arts: Reading Room RFA 31.60.7
LOCATION: Law School: Islamic Reference DS 44.Z99 Q34
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4881.11
Index to Jewish periodicals (1963- ; online version: 1988- ) indexes over 100 English-language general and scholarly periodicals. Includes book reviews. List of periodicals indexed. Print version:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. Z6367.I5
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DS112.Z99 I54x Earlier
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4875.15 (Latest 10 years)
Library Research Guide for the History of Science (General) -- By Discipline
Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts: ASSIA (largely 1987- )
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences(1951- ) includes: International bibliography of sociology
C.R.I.S.: the combined retrospective index set to journals in sociology, 1895-1974.
Widener | RR4702.12 (Loker Reading Room)
Social Services Abstracts (1980- (Social Service Review back to 1927))
Abstracts for social workers (1965-1977).
Continued by:
Social work research & abstracts (1977-1993).
Continued by:
Social work abstracts (1994- )
Online Version (1998- March, 2011)-
Sociological Abstracts (1952-)
Urban Studies Abstracts (1973 - )
LA84 Foundation Library Digital Archive Periodicals and Series (depending on the periodical, 1883-2009) Also Official Olympic Reports and other books
Information on Periodicals
Unbound Widener current journals are kept in the Widener Periodicals Reading Room (1st floor, West side). Selected journals are kept alphabetically by title in the Periodicals Reading Room. Remaining journals (the majority) are kept in the Periodicals Reading Room Stacks alphabetically by title.
For journals not at Harvard, holdings in the Boston area can be identified using WorldCat in Harvard Libraries. You may need to consult the holding library's online catalog (accessible in Massachusetts Library and Information Network to ascertain specific holdings. Harvard's periodicals are all represented in HOLLIS Catalog.
Where an Find It @ Harvard icon appears next to a citation in a periodical index, you can click Find It @ Harvard and be taken to a menu screen offering a link to full text, if available, and to an automatic HOLLIS search for the periodical in print form. Occasionally Find It @ Harvard is unaware of the existence of an electronic journal, in which case the electronic form may show on the HOLLIS record under Networked Resource. Sometimes the Find It @ Harvard occurs on the results list (e.g., Academic Search Premier), sometimes only on the full record (e.g., Web of Science).
Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) is a very comprehensive searchable list of free and subscription online journals arranged by discipline and by title
A guide to Periodical Directories with Subject Access and/or Circulation Statistics is available.