This guide provides links to resources and services to help with your research for Freshman Seminar 72G_ The American Democratic Tradition taught by Dr. James Kloppenberg.  If you have questions about Library resources and services, I would be happy to hear from you.

Sarah DeMott
Librarian for the Freshman Seminar

Kathleen Sheehan
Research Librarian 

Anna Assogba
Research Librarian

*The content for this guide was provided from the intellectual work of Harvard Research Librarians, Fred Burchsted & Anna Assogba

Final Assignment

Per Course Canvas_ October 19, 2020

The final assignment is to write an inaugural address for the presidential candidate of your choice in 2020 or, if you prefer, in 2024. Unlike the inaugural addresses of US presidents, the text of your inaugural will be between 12-15 pages in length, or 3,000-4,000 words, and will include footnotes that connect your ideas to those of presidents or other figures in public life who preceded you. Those footnotes, in other words, will tie your analysis to the readings done during the semester.

At the end of the semester, each of you will have a choice. In addition to making a full draft of your text available to other members of the seminar electronically, which is required, you may choose to present a twenty-minute version of your inaugural address to the class orally, either as a recorded address or delivered live to the seminar on Zoom. Revised versions of the full text of your inaugurals are due at noon on Friday, December 11, with the understanding that some students may need extensions to Friday, December 18.