Writing Resources
- The Chicago Manual of StyleElectronic edition
- Crumpled paper boat : experiments in ethnographic writingElectronic edition
- Tales of the field : on writing ethnographyPrint edition
- Writing anthropology : essays on craft and commitmentElectronic edition
- Writing ethnographic fieldnotesPrint edition
- Writing ethnographyElectronic edition
ZNH Books
- Barracoon : the story of the last "black cargo"Electronic edition
- Barracoon : the story of the last "black cargo"Print edition
- Jonah's gourd vine : a novelPrint edition
- Moses, man of the mountainPrint edition
- Mules and menPrint edition
- Story in Harlem slangPrint edition
- Tell my horse : voodoo and life in Haiti and JamaicaPrint edition
- The Complete StoriesPrint edition
- Their eyes were watching GodPrint edition
- You don't know us Negroes : and other essaysPrint edition
ZNH Autobiography and Biography
- Ain't I an anthropologist : Zora Neale Hurston beyond the literary iconElectronic edition
- Dust tracks on a roadPrint edition
- Wrapped in rainbows :the life of Zora Neale HurstonElectronic edition
- Wrapped in rainbows : the life of Zora Neale HurstonPrint edition
- Zora Neale Hurston : a life in lettersPrint edition