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Architecture and Urbanism Resources at Harvard

A brief guide to resources on architecture, landscapes, and urban planning at Harvard


This guide provides a brief introduction to material related to architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning in Harvard Special Collections– specifically: Houghton Library, Baker Business Special Collections, Loeb Design Library, and the Havard Map Collection. The curated lists, while limited, are intended to give students a taste of what they might find. This resource is specifically directed towards students in General Education courses– not just those that deal directly with architecture or urbanism but also those courses in government, public health, economics, sociology, anthropology, and history that may also address buildings or cities in some capacity. At the same time, the guide directs students to practical information about working in Harvard Special Collections.

A Resource of Students
For students, the guide will serve as a gateway as you prepare research for final projects, seminar papers, and thesis tutorials.

A Resource for Faculty
For faculty, this guide will aid in identifying resources across campus that will be useful when preparing lectures or guiding student research.

Banner: Detail of "Architecture Class in Robinson Hall, 3-22-[1946]." Harvard University Archives.