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Expos 20 | Journeys of Self-Discovery


Why Use Them?

Research projects often require you to look close up at a body of research produced by scholars in a particular field.   

This research is typically collected, codified, and made image of camera with different colored lenses findable in a tool called a subject database.

Every academic discipline has at least one subject database that's considered the disciplinary gold standard -- a reliable, (relatively) comprehensive, and accurate record of the books that scholars are publishing, and the ideas they're debating and discussing in important and influential journals. 

Databases are like lenses: they change what you see and how you see it -- and they offer you easy and efficient ways to bring your questions into sharper focus.

MLA International Bibliography

MLA International Bibliography (EBSCOhost):  The most important academic database for deep searching of the scholarship produced about all periods of literature (and in all languages). It also has strong and substantial coverage of scholarship on film, popular culture, folklore, and film.  If a Literature Department teaches it, you'll find it covered here.

Screen Studies Collection

Screen Studies Collection allows you to search across a range of periodicals specifically related to film and television. You'll need to limit your results to scholarly journals to get to the academic conversations, since this database also includes some trade publications and  filmographies created by the American Film Institute and the British Film Institute. 


PsycInfo: the best stop for academic discussions on psychology and psychology-related topics.