Find bibliographies in HOLLIS Library Catalog by searching your keyword plus the word Bibliography (which must be limited to Subject).
Subject contains: Poliomyelitis
Subject contains: Bibliography
A bibliography of eugenics, by Samuel J. Holmes. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California press, 1924., 514 p. ( University of California publications in zoology. vol. XXV)
Also: Museum Comp Zoology UNI 8072 (vol. 25; In Library Only)
HathiTrust online version
Brown, M. W., ed. by F. E. Williams. 1918. Neuropsychiatry and the War: A Bibliography with Abstracts. NY: War Work Committee, the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, 292 pp.
--Supplement I, October 1918, 117 pp. HOLLIS Record
Morton, L. T. 1991. Morton's Medical Bibliography. An Annotated Check-List of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine (Garrison and Morton). Ed. by J. M. Norman. 5th ed. Aldershot, Hants, England / Brookfield, VT: Gower, 1243 pp. [Annotated, includes articles]
Online Version