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Foreign Law: An Introductory Class Guide

This guide was created for use by attendees at the Summer Success 2011 program held at the Harvard Law School. However, it can be used by anyone embarking on a foreign legal research project.


When using online sources to find foreign law, you will find that the quality, updating, and depth of resources can vary widely. Sometimes the information is provided by a government office or agency, sometimes it has been gathered together by an educational institution, and many times, it has been gathered together or linked to by a non-profit organization, such as the Legal Information Institute. Some websites will provide links to repositories of foreign law, and others will actually provide the full text of laws or court reports.

Provided to the right are some of our favorite foreign law websites. You should also refer to our Foreign and International Law Gateways guide, where we have gathered together resources for constitutions, and constitutional courts, government offices and ministries, foreign laws by subject, as well as regional sources of law for various countries.

Online Sources of Foreign Law