Contact the research librarians

Gutman librarians are available to answer your questions Monday - Friday, 10 am - noon and 1 - 4 pm EDT
Email: Use our Ask Us form
Drop in at the Library Services desk on Gutman's 2nd floor: Monday - Friday, 10 am - noon and 1 - 4 pm EDT
Need more in-depth research help? Make a virtual appointment to work with a research librarian.
To schedule a time, use the Gutman Library Research Appointment tool.

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Ex: The impact of media literacy on children's learning from films and hypermedia
Ex: Sage on the screen : education, media, and how we learn

Help with your assignments

Get help from experts:

  • Your professor or TF can discuss your ideas with you and help you connect them to course readings and assignments.
  • Librarians can help you develop a research strategy and identify relevant resources and search terms.
  • A Writing Center TF can help refine a research question and review drafts of papers.

Search subject databases

It's okay to begin with Google or HOLLIS, but then switch to specialized databases to find the best research from your discipline(s).

Manage and cite my research

Use Zotero to:

  • create reference lists in APA and other formats
  • create a searchable database of your research
  • import citations, abstracts, and more from online sources
  • organize notes and full text documents, such as PDFs, images, spreadsheets

Access Options

Begin in HOLLIS to find books and articles available through the Harvard Library.

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