Other Administrative Documents

Other Administrative Documents:

Journal Officiel: Documents Administratifs                  1955-1974   check                  Fr Doc 5.15
contains annual statistics and reports of  certain        1975-1988 (inc.)             Film S 3094
ministers, administrative services, commissions,
etc., by no means a comprehensive collection.
An important report included in this series is the
annual report of the Cour des comptes (Audit
Office). The annual index is bound with the texts.

Journal Officiel:  Lois et Decrets                                       1946-1984              Law Sch KJV17 .F73
Texts of laws, decrees, executive orders, with index.

Avis et Rapports du Conseil Economique et Social       1948-                         Fr Doc 35.5
includes reports presented to the Conseil as well
as its decisions.  Annual index is bound with the text.

Other aids:

Bulletin des Commissions                                             1975-                       Fr Doc 16.210
Summary of discussions in the
Commissions and summary of what
each committee has done with the

Bulletin de l’Assemblee Nationale                                 1973-                       Fr Doc 16.50
Contains legislative history.

Recueil des Traites                                                    1713/1802-1906        Law School, Widener
                                                                                1792-1796                Law School
                                                                                1798                        Law School, Houghton
                                                                                1802                        Law School, Baker
                                                                                1813-1815                Law School
                                                                                 1880-1917                Widener
                                                                                 1919-                       ILS
                                                                                 1961-                       Law School                  

Treaties, conventions, and other international agreements are published as a single series.  The texts of certain treaties are published by the Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres. When a treaty is submitted for ratification to Parliament, the text is published as a Document.

For general information on French governmental publications, consult French Official Publications, Fr Doc 2.77

INDEXES:  general information

Lists the names of deputies with a record of their parliamentary activity – committee appointments, reports made, legislative proposals (depots), part taken in floor debate and discussion (intervention).  References are to the date and page number of the

Journal Officiel.

Subject index to floor discussions of issues under general subject headings for specific reference to floor action on a measure.

Subject index to the oral (presented on the floor) and written questions of the deputies to the ministers of the administration.  The first part of the index gives only the number of the question.
The second part (Role) lists the publication date (in the Journal Officiel Debats) of the question, the author, the minister to whom the question is addressed, and the date of publication of the response if one was issued during the session covered by the index.