
Spiridon Shishigin

Spiridon Shishigin, master player (visited and concertized at Harvard in 2009);
more information about him and the instrument:

Music Scores from the Catalog

Writings of Eduard Alekseyev

NOTE:  This list is drawn from Grove Music Online (held at Harvard and elsewhere)


‘Yest′ li u yakutov mnogogolosiye?’ [Do the Yakuts have polyphony?], Sovetskaya Muzïka (1967), no.5, pp.97–105

‘Novoye v yakutskom muzïkal′nom fol′klore’ [New trends in Yakut musical folklore], Muzïka stran Azii i Afriki, ed. V.S. Vinagradov (Moscow, 1969)


Problemï formirovaniya lada: na materiale yakutskoy narodnoy pesni [Yakut Folk Song and the Genesis of Tonal Organization]  (Moscow, 1976) [incl. Eng. summary]

Rannefol′klornoye intonirovaniye
[Early folklore intonation] (Moscow, 1986) [incl. Eng. summary]

Fol′klor v kontekste sovremennoy kul′turï
[Folklore in the context of contemporary culture] (Moscow, 1988) [incl. Eng. summary]

Notnaya zapis′ narodnoy muzïki
[The notation of folk music] (Moscow, 1990) [incl. Eng. summary]

Folksong collections

with N. Nikolayeva: Obraztsï yakutskogo pesennogo fol′klora [Specimens of Yakut folklore in song] (Yakutsk, 1981)


Personal Website

Eduard Alekseyev


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