- Arctic Today (Harvard Login)Arctic Today is an independent news source in partnership with media organizations from around the circumpolar North.
- CryoPoliticsBlog on Arctic issues authored by Professor Mia Bennett, Assistant Professor at Hong Kong University.
- Eye on the ArcticCoordinated by Radio Canada International, this site brings together print, broadcast and web journalists from circumpolar countries to tell the stories of communities and people directly affected by climate change.
- HIgh North NewsIndependent newspaper published by the published by the High North Center at Nord University in Norway.
- Arctic CouncilLeading intergovernmental forum promoting cooperation, coordination and interaction among the Arctic States, Arctic indigenous communities and other Arctic inhabitants. Focus on environmental and sustainability issues.
- Arctic CircleNon-profit network of network of governments, organizations, corporations, universities, think tanks, environmental associations, indigenous communities, concerned citizens, and others interested in the development of the Arctic and its consequences for the future of the globe.
- US Arctic Research CommissionIndependent agency that advises President and Congress on domestic and international research on Arctic. Publishes biennual report of the United States Arctic Research Commission to the President and Congress of the United States.
- EU-PolarnetThe world’s largest consortium of expertise and infrastructure for polar research. Seventeen countries are represented by 22 of Europe’s internationally-respected multi-disciplinary research institutions. Site includes white papers, stakeholder deliverables and research chapters.
Background Research
- Annual Reviews (Harvard Login)Annual reviews offer comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scholars. Limit your search to arctic in the abstract field or search by specific countries and/or keywords.
- Arctic PortalA comprehensive gateway to Arctic information and data on the internet, increasing information sharing and co-operation among Arctic stakeholders and granting exposure to Arctic related information and data.
- Oxford Bibliography: Arctic Region (Harvard Login)Bibliography which focuses on international law and human rights.
- Arctic (Harvard Login)Published by University of Calgary and Arctic Institute of North America. Focus on North America.
- Arctic Review on Law and PoliticsPeer reviewed open access journal with focus on political science, international relations and human rights issues in Arctic regions.
- Arctic ScienceA quarterly open-access peer-reviewed journal with articles on natural science and applied science & engineering related to northern Polar Regions.
- Arctic YearbookRepository of critical analysis on the Arctic region, with a mandate to inform observers about the state of Arctic politics, governance and security.
- Polar Record (Harvard Login)Cambridge University Press quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering all aspects of Arctic and Antarctic exploration and research.
- Polar ScienceElsevier peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to publishing original research articles for sciences relating to the polar regions. Available in print at the Ernst Mayr Library.
General Academic Databases
Articles on the Arctic and North Polar regions may appear a variety of social science and science journals depending on the paper topic. Start your search by searching a large interdisciplinary articles database.
- Google Scholar (Harvard Login)Searches scholarly literature. Select the "Find it at Harvard" link or button to retrieve the full-text of the article.
- Academic Search Premier (Harvard Login)A general purpose database of both scholarly journals and mainstream publications. Since it covers nearly all fields of study, it's a good place to start a research project.
- Proquest Social Science Premium Collection (Harvard Login)Academic articles in social science disciplines including politics, public policy, economics and international studies.
- Arctic FrontierThrough outreach activities and with competent and committed partners on arctic issues, Arctic Frontiers sets the agenda, linking policy, business and science for responsible and sustainable development of the Arctic.Series includes video highlights from Arctic Frontier events and the annual conference.
Think Tanks
US Think Tanks
- Arctic InstituteWashington DC think tank that focuses on security issues in Arctic.
- Belfer Center, Arctic InitiativeThe Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs is a prominent think tank at the Harvard Kennedy School. View publications authored by affiliates of the Belfer Center Arctic Initiative.
- Brookings Institute: Arctic SiteArticles and reports on US foreign policy and the Arctic authored by non-partisan, US based think tank.
- National Academies PressCollection of over 5,000 academic titles available to read online at no cost.
- Rand Corporation, Arctic RegionArticles, reports and commentary on variety of topics in the Arctic Region including climate change, security and international relations.
- Wilson Center, Polar InstituteResearch published by Wilson Center's Polar Institute.
HKS Library, Customized Google Think Tank Search
Search using Google conventions (i.e. putting quotation marks around phrases).
Deep Dive Topics
Economic Development
- ABI/Inform (Business Premium Collection) (Harvard Login)Summaries, citations and full text articles from academic management, marketing, and general business journals.
- Business Source Complete (Harvard Login)Index of citations, summaries and full text articles from business academic journals, magazines,and trade publications.
- Environment Index (Harvard Login)Covers U.S. and international technical, general environmental and energy related journals.
- GreenFile (Harvard Login)Indexes scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports. Topics include global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy.
Human Rights
- Index to Legal Periodicals (Harvard Login)Indexes articles in over 800 legal periodicals such as law reviews, bar association journals, yearbooks, institutes, and government publications. Also, includes legal books and indexes approximately 2,000 per year.
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (Harvard Login)Provides abstracts and indexing of the international literature of political science and international relations.
- Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (Harvard Login)Indexes non-English language law reviews, yearbooks and some English language law reviews.
Indigenous People
- North American Indian Thought and Culture (Harvard Login)Archival database that Integrates autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files.
- Bibliography of Native North Americans (Harvard Login)Covers all aspects of native North American culture, history, and life.
- Indigenous peoples. North America (Harvard Login)Sourced from both American and Canadian institutions, as well as direct-from-source from newspapers from various tribes and Indian-related organizations. The collection also features indigenous-language materials, including dictionaries, bibles, and primers.
- IISS, Adelphi Series (Harvard Login)The IISS's principal contribution to policy-relevant research on global security and military conflict. Eight e-books are published each year.
- Military & Government Collection (Harvard Login)Provides full text access to more than 300 journals on military and government topics.
E-Books (Harvard login)
Arctic Geopolitics, Media and Power
Open Access
Data & Statistics
Free Resources
- Arctic Data Committee, Data Directories and InitiativesADC facilitates international collaboration for free, ethically open, sustained and timely access to Arctic data List of freely available data products on Arctic.
- ArcticStatA public and independent statistical databank dealing with the countries, regions and populations of the Circumpolar Arctic. Most of data in ArcticStat comes from national statistics agencies of the Arctic countries, their regional offices or from government ministeries.
Other Research Guides
Other Library Research Guides
- University of Washington Library Research Gudie, Arctic & Northern StudiesHighly comprehensive research guide on free and database resources on the Arctic.