About the Teas
Gutman Library Doctoral Teas provide students with skills to support their publishing careers, whether in or outside academia, through workshops, discussion groups and other learning opportunities.
Can I attend?
Doctoral Teas are open to all members of the Harvard community. RSVPs are requested for all events. See our Current Schedule to RSVP.
Can I suggest a topic?
Please submit suggested topics for discussion or workshops through the Gutman Ask Us form.
About the Scholarly Communication Team
The Gutman Library Scholarly Communication Team works to support the increased dissemination, access, and impact of scholarship created by Harvard students, faculty and administration. We can assist you at each stage of sharing or publishing your work, whether in professional or scholarly communities.
We offer one-on-one consultations focused on skills, trends and experiences in copyright, publishing and more. A scholarly communication consultation can help you:
- explore your authors’ rights and manage your intellectual property;
- understand how to incorporate third party content into your project, dissertation or paper;
- identify the right medium, platform and outlet for your publication or project;
- assess research impact factors for authors, articles and journals;
- talk through strategies for communicating your scholarly or professional identity.
Schedule a Scholarly Communication consultation with Carol or Rebecca using the button below or via the online scheduler.