International Education Data Resources

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
UNESCO is a sub-organization of the United Nations. The main goal of UNESCO is to coordinate communication between member countries with a focus on Education, Natural Science, Social and Human Science, Culture and Communication & Information. The Education statistics available via UNESCO include the UNESCO database (which allows users to build tables of data), pre-formatted statistical tables, country and regional data profiles and “Fast Facts”.

World Education Indicators (WEI)
UNESCO (in collaboration with OECD) also publishes World Education Indicators, a collection of indicators that could be used to guide international education policy decisions. The data is collected from middle-income countries throughout the world.

United Nations (UN) Statistics Division - Demographic and Social Concerns
This United Nations (UN) website provides basic education data including enrollment rates, expenditure and school life expectancy for over 100 countries worldwide.

UN Data Access System/United Nations
This database contains numerous education and learning indicators (including enrollment, expenditure, levels of illiteracy, and literacy rates) for countries and areas throughout the world.

United Nations (UN) Human Development Report
This website provides the full-text of these reports from 1990-present. These thematic reports focus on issues ranging from health to education to globalization to human rights.  The site also provides a link to the Human Development Indicators database.

World Bank
The World Bank produces many different publications relating to education and learning. A few World Bank education-related publications include:

This resource is a comprehensive education statistics database. It compiles data from a variety of national and international sources and provides information on key education topics including education expenditure, education attainment, school age population estimates and much more.

Millennium Development Goal (#2)
MDG #2 is to achieve universal primary education. This website allows the user to create charts, maps, and tables for literacy rates, primary school completion rates, and primary school enrollment.

World Development Indicators (WDI Online)
WDI (World Development Indicators) Online contains statistical data from the World Bank for over 1200 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. The education series include expenditure on education, literacy rates, school enrollment and completion and more. Results can be scaled, indexed against a particular year, viewed by percentage change, and charted. Data can be exported in Excel.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Statistics from the PISA database (Programme for International Student Assessment). Indicators include personnel and enrollment statistics, detailed expenditure data by country, foreign student enrollment and several indicators that compare # of graduates/demographic data.