About this Guide and Welcome
This resource guide has been designed for students in Rachel Meyer's Spring 2024 Expos course, Work, Culture, Power and Control.
What follows is a preliminary "toolkit": some suggestions about where to concentrate your efforts. They represent our first best guesses at where you might find current scholarly conversations to use in your third essay.
Remember that good research is often about following up on hunches, testing out a hypothesis and then seeing where else (or to what else) it leads.
Good research is also about using language flexibly and strategically. It's normal to try several search word combinations before you strike gold.
Please reach out if questions arise at any point in your project. We'll triage by email or set up a time to meet in person.
Enjoy your research adventure!
Hugh Truslow, Head, Social Sciences and Visualization, Lamont/Widener Libraries
Sue Gilroy, Librarian for Undergraduate Writing Programs, Lamont Library, Room 210