Objects used by William James in the Harvard Psychological Laboratory (Harvard Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments)

Criminal Man: According to the Classification of Cesare Lombroso

A Point Scale for Measuring Mental Ability, by Robert M. Yerkes

Physical Education, by Dudley Allen Sargent ("This large infusion of foreign blood of an inferior quality has undoubtedly impaired the physical status of our people as a whole.")

The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, by Lothrop Stoddard

Electricity Up to Date, by John B. Verity

Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry (Library of Congress)

The Art of American Advertising, 1865-1910 (Baker Library, Harvard Business School)

Railroads and the Transformation of Capitalism (Baker Library)

Credit in a Consumer Society (Baker Library)

Historical Catalogs of Sears, Roebuck and Co. 1896-1993 (in Ancestry.com, click on Search > Card Catalog > Title SEARS)

ArtStor (see sample downloaded image below)

John Singer Sargent in the Harvard Art Museums

Cabinet of American Illustration (Library of Congress)

Cartoon Drawings, ca. 1880-1980 (Library of Congress)

John Sloan, A Woman's Work (1912)
Cleveland Museum of Art