
Here you'll find information on scheduling a consultation with a Mapping Assistant and also various resources for using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, finding geospatial data, and discovering historical map collections.

For information on the history of computer graphics and spatial analysis at the GSD, visit A New Way of Seeing: The Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis.

Schedule a Consultation

Make an Appointment with a Mapping Assistant to discuss basic or technical questions related to GIS data and software, mapping and data visualization, project management, and more.

Our GSD Mapping Assistants (mapping@gsd.harvard.edu) provide regular office hours during the semester. Consultations are by default virtual. In-person consultations are possible depending on availability.

Bruce Boucek
Senior GIS and Data Librarian
  • Geospatial research questions
  • Finding data
  • Using GIS software for visualization and mapping
Mapping Assistants
  • ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online
  • QGIS
  • Finding data
  • Map representation and cartographic techniques
  • Exporting GIS files and data to CAD, Rhino (grasshopper), Adobe Illustrator, etc.
  • Esri Storymaps and other methods for sharing maps online

Workshops & Events

To find events and workshops related to GIS and geospatial data, please use the drop-down menu above for "Category" and select GIS/Data