Set up your BorrowDirect/Interlibrary Loan/Scan & Deliver account
Log in to ILLIAD and complete the one-time set-up of your account. Once completed, you can:
- Request scans of articles and book chapters in Harvard libraries through links in the HOLLIS catalog using Scan & Deliver (limit of 2/day).
- Request items not available at Harvard (both physical and scanned) through BorrowDirect or Interlibrary Loan, which share one request form
- You can browse the BorrowDirect catalog to see if a BorrowDirect institution has the item you're looking for
Create your HOLLIS Special Request account
Log in to HOLLIS Special Request. First time users will need to create an account. Once completed you can:
- Request Special Collections items to view in specific library reading rooms.
- request digital or print duplication of Harvard library materials.