This guide highlights some of the most popular current publications available to Harvard and Harvard Graduate School of Education faculty, staff, and students.
Some titles listed below are available by individual subscription using your Harvard email address. Follow the links to register. If you’d like help setting up an account or with additional features, please Ask Us.
For additional ways of accessing these newspapers for research and for access to historical coverage, please search HOLLIS or Ask Us.
Get help
- Ask UsTo get personalized assistance locating material in and working with newspapers at Harvard, please ask us or set up a research appointment at this link.
Boston Globe
- Institutional Access:
- Boston Globe does not offer institutional online accounts to Globe.com, but a substantial discount on individual accounts is available to Harvard faculty, students and staff (below).
- Individual Access:
- Full-Text:
- Access the Boston Globe in HOLLIS to find current and historical articles in databases such as Factiva and ProQuest Historical Newspapers.
Gutman Library provides print copies of the Boston Globe seven days a week in the first floor journals area.
Chronicle of Higher Education
- Institutional Access:
- The Chronicle of Higher Education is available online to all Harvard faculty, students and staff. The institutional subscription provides content back to 1989 and includes access to the annual Almanac of Higher Education.
- Gutman Library provides print copies of the Chronicle of Higher Education in the first floor journals area. Check HOLLIS for issue availability.
Education Week
- Institutional Access:
- Education Week is available online to all Harvard faculty, students and staff. The institutional subscription provides content back to 1981.
- Full-Text:
- Access Education Week in HOLLIS to find article content in other databases such as Factiva.
- Gutman Library provides print copies of the Education Week in the first floor journals area. Check HOLLIS for issue availability.
Financial Times
- Institutional Access:
- All Harvard students, faculty and staff may register for FT.com subscriptions courtesy of the Harvard Business School. Features include unlimited FT.com, mobile and table access; newsletters; 5 year company financials archive, custom MyFT dashboard, and ability to save and gift articles to non-subscribers.
- Full-Text:
- Access the Financial Times in HOLLIS to find current and historical articles in databases such as Factiva and the Gale Cengage Financial Times Historical Archive.
Marshall Memo
- Email Newsletter:
- The Marshall Memo is a weekly educational research e-newsletter available to HGSE students, faculty and staff.
- If you would like to be added to the e-newsletter and get access to back issues, please submit your request through our Ask Us form.
New York Times
- Individual Access:
- Use your @gse.harvard.edu email address to register for university sponsored access on the New York Times website.
- Full-Text Access:
- Access the New York Times in HOLLIS to find current and historical articles in databases such as Factiva and ProQuest Historical Newspapers.
Gutman Library provides print copies of the New York Times seven days a week in the first floor journals area.
Wall Street Journal
- Individual Access:
- WSJ.com accounts are now available to current Harvard University faculty, staff and students. Visit the sign-up page to create an an account through the Harvard University subscription. (Periodically accounts are disabled to ensure that account holders are still affiliated with Harvard. If you cannot get in using your account, revisit the sign-up page.)
- Full-Text:
- Access the Wall Street Journal in HOLLIS to find current and historical articles in databases such as Factiva and ProQuest Historical Newspapers.
- Gutman Library provides print copies of the Wall Street Journal five days a week in the first floor journals area.
Washington Post
- Individual Access:
- Individual Washington Post online accounts are available to current students, faculty, and staff at Harvard. Subscriptions include unlimited access to the Post via WashingtonPost.com or the Washington Post app. Features include newsletter subscriptions and the ability to save articles.
- To sign up for an individual account:
- Visit the Washington Post website
- Click on Sign In in the upper right-hand corner
- Click on the Sign up link in the lower right hand corner to register a new account. Be sure to use your Harvard email.
- Check your email for a verification link**
- Once you've verified your email, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and go to Account Settings -> My Subscriptions
- Click Activate free digital access
**Please note that sometimes the verification link will get caught in the University spam filters. If this happens, open the daily email digest you receive from ITHelp and select the Action "Release and Allow Sender" for the Washington Post. You may need to "resend" the verification email from the Account section of the Washington Post if the original verification link has expired.
- Full-Text:
- Access the Washington Post in HOLLIS to find current and historical articles in databases such as Factiva and ProQuest Historical Newspapers.
Newspaper Research at Harvard
- Guide to Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes (Harvard Library guide)Harvard has access to hundreds of additional newspapers through newspaper indexes and digital and microform formats. Visit this guide for a comprehensive overview of offerings, including:
• U.S. general newspapers
• U.S. ethnic newspapers
• Historic newspaper coverage
• Foreign newspapers
• Local unpublished newspapers indexes
• Underground/alternative press
• Specialized newspapers/subjects
• Newspaper illustrations, photographs, and cartoons
• Periodical directories
• Associated Press archives