Harvard Databases
Browse Top Ranked Criminal Justice Journals
- ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection (Harvard Login)Large database of interdisciplinary articles spanning social science fields including criminal justice.
- ProQuest Sociological Abstracts (Harvard Login)A core resource for researchers, professionals and students in sociology, social planning and policy and related disciplines.
- Criminal Justice Abstracts (EBSCO) (Harvard Login)Coverage of U.S. and international criminal justice journal articles from 1968-present
- NCJRS abstracts databaseU.S. Department of Justice full-text publications and abstracts database with summaries of over 200,000 criminal justice publications, including federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research. Subject areas include corrections, courts, drugs, law enforcement, juvenile justice, crime statistics, domestic preparedness, and victims. Some full-text links are included with the abstracts.
- Civil Rights and Social Justice (HeinOnline) (Harvard Login)The database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States. Contain links to more than 500 scholarly articles, hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislation, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights. Also includes a varied collection of books on many civil rights topics and a list of prominent civil rights organizations.
- LegalTrac (Harvard Login)LegalTrac indexes nearly 1000 English-language law periodicals from about 1980 -present. Includes some criminal justice topics. Access is available on the Harvard Law School campus. Off-campus access is available to current HLS affiliates and controlled by Harvard Key.
- Sage Complete (Harvard Login)Includes collections of criminal justice and criminology journals. To access journals, browse the journal list by subject selecting topics such as "criminology" and "criminal justice."
- Urban Studies Abstracts (Harvard Login)Urban Studies Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to urban studies, including crime, urban violence, police departments, victims, and other area relating to criminal justice.
- Carr Center, Violence Against Women DatabaseThe Carr Center at the Harvard Kennedy School has developed a curated database of publications relating to Violence Against Women, which includes papers, book chapters and PowerPoint presentations on the topic.
- ProQuest history vault. NAACP papers (Harvard Login).The NAACP's major campaigns--Scottsboro, anti-lynching, criminal justice, peonage, labor, and segregation and discrimination complaints and responses
Oxford Scholarship Online has a collection of peer-reviewed law and criminal justice and criminology handbooks. A select list of e-books from the collection is included below. Use keyword and subject searching in the database to find additional resources Each Handbook offers thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship, creating an original conception of the field and setting the agenda for new research. For more information about using this resource, see the Guided Video Tour.
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Crime and Criminal Justice by
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 9780199352333Publication Date: 2016The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy by Each articles explain why crimes happen, how often, and what we know about efforts to prevent or control them. The crimes investigated range from often-discussed offenses (homicide, auto theft, sexual violence) to those that only recently began to receive attention (child abuse, domestic violence, environmental crimes); it includes new crimes (identity theft, cybercrime) as well as age-old crimes (drug abuse, gambling, prostitution).
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 9780199844654Publication Date: 2011The Oxford Handbook of Prisons and Imprisonment by
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 9780199948154Publication Date: 2018
- Project Muse eBooks, CriminologyFull-text e-books on topic of criminology. Search by keyword or browse collection.
- US Justice System: An Encyclopedia (Harvard Login)A comprehensive, three-volume set providing detailed background essays, short topical entries, and primary document excerpts that explain the organization, history, and functioning of the U.S. justice system
United States
- Council of State Governments, Justice CenterA national, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that combines the power of a membership association, representing state officials in all three branches of government, with policy and research expertise to develop strategies that increase public safety and strengthen communities.
- National Center for Juvenile JusticeNon-profit think tank that deals exclusively with juvenile justice. Access to downloadable publications covering issues such as juvenile courts, corrections, and probation.
- Prison Policy Initiative, Research ClearinghouseContains links to 1800+ empirical criminal justice research reports. Site includes keyword searchable database.
- U.S Department of State, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in PersonsIncludes 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report
- Urban Institute, Justice Policy CenterIncludes policy briefs and reports on criminal justice topics authored by staff from the Urban Institute.
- Vera Institute of JusticeVera's extensive resource library, built up by decades of expert research, analysis, and real-world application. Vera produces a wide variety of resources including publications, podcasts, and videos.
- National Conference of State Legislatures Criminal Justice Program and Hot TopicsThe NCSL Criminal Justice Program tracks state legislative interests, legislation, bills and actions on a wide range of topics that reflect the many aspects and functions of criminal justice systems. NCSL also provides information and analysis on current hot topics, including marijuana; human trafficking; juvenile life without parole; death penalty; law enforcement; drug crime policy; mental health needs in the criminal justice system.
Program Evaluation
- CrimeSolutions.govThe National Institute of Justice’s CrimeSolutions is comprised of two components — a web-based clearinghouse of programs and practices and a process for identifying and rating those programs and practices. The clearinghouse present programs and practices that have undergone rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses. The site assesses the strength of the evidence about whether these programs achieve criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services outcomes in order to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works, what doesn't, and what's promising.
- Model Programs Guide (MPG) - Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionThis U.S. Department of Justice site is a resource about what works, what is promising, and what does not work in juvenile justice, delinquency prevention, and child protection and safety. MPG uses the CrimeSolutions.ojp.gov’s program review process, scoring instrument, and evidence ratings.
- Evidence-Based Policing Matrix - George Mason UniversityGMU's Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy's matrix categorizes and visualizes evaluated police tactics according to three common dimensions of crime prevention – the nature of the target, the extent to which the strategy is proactive or reactive, and the specificity or generality of the strategy.
Data & Statistics
- BJS, National Crime Victimization SurveyAnnual survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization.
- Bureau of Justice StatisticsPart of the U.S. Department of Justice, the BJS provides publications, data collections, data analysis tools, & key facts at a glance. Includes the Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center. Free
- FBI Crime Data ExplorerMaps FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program data by location. Includes API for bulk data downloads.
- National Archive of Criminal Justice DataSponsored by agencies within the U.S. Department of Justice, this archive provides data available for download and assistance in using the data & research and publications.
- National Center for State CourtsIndependent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the improvement of justice. Includes Court Statistics Project with information about state caseloads.
- OJJDP Statistical Briefing BookFrom the Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquincy Prevention, the Statistical Briefing Book contains publications, data sets, & analysis tools about juvenile crime and victimization and youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
- Sunlight Foundation, Hall of JusticeInventory of public and privately-produced criminal justice data collected from 2014 to 2015. The GitHub site includes spreadsheet with information from 18+ states and the federal government.
- TracFedAn organization associated with Syracuse University that gathers, performs research, and distributes data about the activities of the federal enforcement and regulatory agencies. Includes statistics from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Access is available on the Harvard Law School campus. Off-campus access is available to current HLS affiliates and controlled by Harvard Key.
- United States Sentencing Commission Interactive Data AnalyzerFederal sentencing statistics by state, district & circuit, reports to Congress, manuals, annual reports, & statistical sourcebooks.
- International Center for the Prevention of CrimePromotes research-based policies and practices that work to prevent crime and build community safety. Site contains reports, conference proceedings and other publications.
- United Nations Interregional Crime & Justice Research InstituteInstitute supporting governments and the international community. The Documentation Centre contains publications, bibliographies, & a list of electronic resources.
- United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeThis site serves as the major gateway to information and UN publications on international efforts to reduce money laundering and organized crime, terrorism and corruption, trafficking in illegal drugs and humans, spread of HIV and AIDS, and piracy.
- The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI)Affiliated with the United Nations, HEUNI is the European regional institute in the United Nations Criminal Justice and Crime Prevention programme network. HEUNI functions under the auspices of the Finnish Ministry of Justice as an independent research and policy-making institute.
Statistics & Surveys
- European Crime & Safety SurveyTool for measuring the volume and nature of crime in Europe. Includes a report about the survey and research papers.
- International Crime Victim SurveyProgram of standardized surveys looking at household experiences with crime, policing, crime prevention, and feelings of unsafety in 23 countries.
- International Centre for Prison Studies, World Prison BriefsStatistics on prison systems and incarceration rates in over 200 countries. The University of Essex has partnered with the International Centre for Prison Studies to host the site. Country information is updated on a monthly basis, using data largely derived from governmental or other official sources.
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Stastics and SurveysGlobal statistical series on crime, criminal justice, drug trafficking and prices, drug production, and drug use. Data produced by UNODC has multiple sources including national surveys and surveys administered by UN agencies.
International Courts
- International Court of Justice (ICJ)The principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ settles disputes between the States (not individuals).
- International Criminal Court (ICC)The first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court for perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC is an independent international organization, and is not part of the United Nations system.
- International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)The United Nations court of law dealing with war crimes that took place during the conflicts in the Balkans in the 1990’s.
Related Research Guides
Related Research Guides
- Women and the Criminal Justice System (Harvard) For the purposes of this guide, material pertaining to women and the criminal justice system is defined as that which reflects the people and organizations involved in maintaining, reforming, protesting, advocating for its abolition, and otherwise encountering the criminal legal system in the United States. Featured in this guide are the papers, records, and publications of activists, educators, judges, incarcerated people, lawyers, law enforcement, prisons, and rehabilitation organizations.
- Environmental Justice and Space, Place, & Identity (Harvard) This guide outlines five different approaches to environmental justice: classic documents and pioneers; data and maps; government policy and regulations; scholarly citations, and community storytelling.