Think Tank Search
As of 02.07.2025, Think Tank Search will no longer be updated. Harvard affiliates should use Harvard's subscription to Policy Commons (Harvard Login) for the discovery of think tank publications and other grey literature. Non-Harvard affiliates can continue to use Think Tank Search or the free version of Policy Commons.
Inclusion Policy
Think Tank Search searches the websites of institutions that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity. These sites are affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, and non-governmental organizations. Inclusion is based upon the relevancy of subject area to HKS coursework and scholarship, the availability of the think tank’s research in full-text on the website, and the think tank’s reputation and influence upon policy making. The list represents a mixture of partisan and non-partisan think tanks.
Other Lists
- Policy Commons: Global Think Tanks (Harvard Login)Collection of research from the world’s leading policy experts, think tanks, IGOs and NGOs. At last count it contains over 3 million publications from more than 24,000 organizations.
- Policy File Index (Harvard Login)Abstracts of and links to domestic and international public policy issue published by think tanks, university research programs, & research organizations.
- Open Research Reports from JSTORMore than 39,000 research reports from over 140 policy institutes around the world are freely accessible to everyone on JSTOR. The open research reports are discoverable alongside journals, books, and primary sources, and are clearly labeled as their own content type.
- Find PolicyA side project of Transparify, search think tank sites grouped by topic and location.
- Open Think Tank DirectoryA global collection of 2700 think tanks and related organisations.
- Think Tank Review
Repository of think tank publications on EU affairs from the Library of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU.