Filtered resources summarize and appraise evidence from several studies and included systematic reviews, critically appraised topics, evidence-based guidelines and point of care references.
DynaMedex (Harvard Login)
Point-of-care reference resource designed to provide doctors and medical researchers with the best available evidence to support clinical decision-making. All evidence is critically appraised.
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Harvard Login)
Detailed, structured topic reviews of hundreds of articles. Teams of experts complete comprehensive literature reviews, evaluate the literature, and present summaries of the findings of the best studies. Published by the International Cochrane Collaboration.
TRIP Database
TRIP is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. Results are sorted and arranged by relevance and categorized by type and level of evidence.
Essential Evidence Plus and AHFS DI (Harvard Login)
Evidence-based point-of-care reference. Gives evidence in bibliographic form and makes it easy to identify supporting studies. AHFS DI is a point-of-care drug reference. Includes comparative price information. This link opens the parent platform, Stat!Ref. Use the navigation aid at left to browse to EEP.
Articles from over 120 clinical journals are rated for quality, clinical relevance and interest by an international group of physicians. Includes a searchable database of the best evidence from the medical literature and an email alerting system. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED in order to search, but use of the database is free. A collaboration of DynaMed Plus and McMaster University's Health Information Research Unit
The ACP Journal Club (Harvard Login)
Summarizes best new evidence from 130+ clinical journals and identify studies that are methodologically sound and clinically relevant. An enhanced abstract, with conclusions clearly stated, and a commentary are provided for each selected article. Published by the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine and part of the Annals of Internal Medicine.
American Family Physician (Harvard Login)
Articles in this journal are evidence-based reviews covering the diagnosis and treatment of specific conditions. Searchable, browseable, and easy to use.
A database of evidence that links systematic reviews, broad syntheses of reviews and primary studies. It includes translations of the titles and abstracts of included records to facilitate searching in different languages. Updated continually.
Natural Medicines (Harvard Login)
Includes monographs for natural medicines, herbal medicines, and the products that contain them. Monographs include efficacy, adverse effects, contraindications, and interactions. Extensive bibliographies with primary studies.
Systematic reviews in PubMed (MEDLINE)
Quickly find systematic reviews in PubMed using Systematic Review publication limit or just append AND systematic[sb] to your search.
Use these tools to search for primary studies. Utilize filters to find study types that provide best evidence; to narrow your results by patient age or gender, date or language.
To limit your PubMed search to the best evidence-producing studies: Click on "clinical queries" (in the center column of the main screen). This specialized search is intended for clinicians and has built-in search "filters." After completing a topic search you can also use the LIMITS tab and choose "Types of Articles" such as Meta-analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial, Practice Guideline, etc.
Major European biomedical and pharmaceutical database. Search your drug or disease topic in EMBASE. Then click on Edit and then LIMIT, then MORE LIMITS. An Evidence Based Medicine Box will appear where you can choose from Cochrane Review, Systematic Reivew, Controlled Clinical Trial, etc.
Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source (Harvard Login)
DOSS indexes scholarly journals, monographs and leading trade publications and periodicals related to all major specialties within dentistry, including endodontics; oral & maxillofacial pathology; oral & maxillofacial radiology; oral & maxillofacial surgery; orthodontics; periodontics; pediatric dentistry and prosthodontics.
Psychological publications (not psychiatry). To limit your search to the best evidence-producing studies: scroll down the search page to the Methodology box. There you will find selections such as Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Treatment Outcome/Clinical Trial.
Patient care, including nursing and allied health. To limit your search to evidence-based literature, scroll down the search page and either select appropriate EBM type studies (systematic review, controlled trial, etc.) from the Publication Type box OR in the Special Interest box select Evidence Based Practice OR click Evidence-based Practice box on the left.
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