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QUOTATION MARKS Search for an exact phrase with quotation marks. (Note: phrase searches cannot include wildcards). |
"Garden of Eden" |
BOOLEAN Include search terms with OR; exclude search terms with AND and NOT. (Use all caps for OR, AND, NOT). |
Matisse NOT flowers | |
feminis? child* |
PARENTHESES Group related terms with parenthesis. |
("equal rights amendment" OR feminism) AND posters |
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Digital Images
A search can be refined to show only records with digital images by selecting Online under Availability in the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
Originals at Harvard
A search can be refined to return only records which represent original items held at Harvard University by selecting Original under Original at Harvard in the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
Image repositories at Harvard include archives, museums, libraries, and other collections throughout Harvard University.
The library has images documenting the evolution of the Arboretum landscape and living collections since 1889. Other important series include photographs of collecting expeditions to China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, and other parts of the world.
The collections feature images of the evolution of American business and industry, including advertising ephemera and portraits of business leaders.
The Fototeca repository features materials originated by the American art critic Bernard Berenson (1865-1959) as well as over 1,500 photographs documenting frescoes in the Basilica of S. Francesco in Assisi during the 1974-1983 restoration.
The repository has images of daguerreotypes from the Archives of the Gray Herbarium, as well as photographs of Edward Palmer from the Farlow Herbarium Archives.
The repository holds the Gardner Collection, photographs documenting geological features of the New England landscape from the late 1880s through the 1910s.
The holdings include images covering a wide spectrum of art and archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean as well as early twentieth century Greek and Roman archaeological sites and museum artifacts.
The Center for the History of Medicine repository includes historical images of the Harvard Medical School campuses; images from the Richard Pearson Strong Collection; and 18th and 19th century satirical prints of medical subjects.
The image collections include photographs of sites and objects pertaining to all three of Dumbarton Oaks’ fields of study: Pre-Columbian, Byzantine, and Garden and Landscape.
The repository has materials from the Thayer Exhibition to Brazil (1865-1866) by Louis Agassiz's principal artist Jacques Burkhardt.
The library holds photographs documenting agriculture, industry, daily life, and cultural practices in the Soviet Union; photographs chronicling the life of a prominent Russian women's rights leader; and images depicting government-sponsored propaganda murals in Tehran in the 1980s.
The repository has current and historical exterior and interior views of the General Artemas Ward House Museum and images of Ward family-owned military, agricultural, and household items.
The collection includes items from Europe, North America, North Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia that range in date from ancient times to the present.
The collection has images from more than 30 years of travel to archeological sites and museums in the Mediterranean area.
The collection documents works of art and architecture in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Ancient and Islamic worlds from prehistoric times to the present.
The repository holds photographs, lantern slides, postcards, and rubbings documenting art and architecture, with significant numbers of historic photographs of Asia and the Middle East.
The collection includes posters from the Archive's motion picture poster collection.
The repository features images from 1908 to the present that are representative of the New England landscape, flora, and fauna.
The library holds a rich collection of political buttons representing state, local and national U.S. political campaigns as well as important ballot initiatives and social issues.
The repository includes images from the Harvard Law School Class Photographs Collection, as well as items related to graduate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and images from two Nuremberg Trials.
The repository has digital images of individuals associated with the University including faculty, president, house masters, illustrious graduates, and benefactors. There are 81 timepieces in the Clock Collection.
The repository has materials on the history of performing arts. It includes performances as well as papers and photographic archives from institutions and people who worked in the performing arts.
The photograph holdings date from the 1850s through the late 20th century and provide a rich source of information about the life of the University and the history of photography.
The repository has numerous photographic collections on traditional and modern East Asia as well as the library's collection of Chinese rubbings.
The collection features daguerreotypes, primarily of New England authors and their families, including Henry James, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. The Harrison D. Horblit Collection of Early Photography comprises more than 3,000 daguerreotypes and more than 3,000 early photographic prints.
The Judaica Division repository has images documenting Jewish life over the past hundred years throughout the world and particularly in the Land of Israel.
The Visual Collections contain images representing architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning and design.
The Middle Eastern Division holds a large collection of movie, literary, NGO, governmental, religious, travel, and educational posters and ephemera from various periods and countries.
The repository has over 800 photographs and postcards from Harvard professors Milman Parry and Albert Lord's research trips to Yugoslavia in the 1930s, where they studied and recorded South Slavic heroic songs.
The repository holds digital images from the Carnegie Institute of Washington (CIW) collection, documenting archaeological research undertaken in Central America from 1929-1957.
The repository has items pertaining to the history of Radcliffe College, its students, alumnae, donors; also Harvard faculty, and the women of Harvard University.
The repository’s image holdings document women’s lives in the 19th and 20th centuries, including rights and suffrage, social reform, and women in the professions, government service, and labor movement.
The Slavic Division holds a unique collection of posters from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Soviet Union and Ukraine, dating from the beginning of the last quarter of the 20th century until the present.
The repository has images documenting Roosevelt's life and career, including formal portraits, newsreel stills, and family albums, among others.
The collection covers cultural and social anthropology, biological and physical anthropology, archaeology, and anthropological linguistics.
Collections available online include posters; images of Africa, East Asia, and India from late 19th and early 20th century trade cards and newspapers; photographs of Chilean protest murals; and photograph albums from Japan.