This Guide Has Moved

Please note: This guide can now be found at, on the "Qualitative" guide.

Updates to the version you're looking at right now will not continue, so please refer to the version linked above. After a transition period, this guide will be removed.

Conducting Research Interviews: Selected Resources

IRB: Seek Informed Consent, Respect Confidentiality, Mitigate Uneven Power Dynamics
Securing Interview Data at Harvard
Textbooks, Guidebooks and Handbooks
Recording Your Interviews
Videos about the Interviewing Process (semi-structured interviews)
Handbooks about Interviewing
Articles on Interviewing Methodology


Semi-Structured Interviews:

Structured Interviews:

Transcribing Interviews
  • Transcription pedals are in circulation and available to borrow from the Circulation desk at Lamont, or use at Lamont Library's Media Lab on level B. They work in conjunction with software such as Express Scribe, which is loaded on Media Lab computers, or you may download for free on your own machine (Mac or PC versions; scroll down the downloads page for the latter). The pedals are plug-and-play USB, allow a wide range of playback speeds, and have 3 programmable buttons, which are typically set to rewind/play/fast-forward. Instructions are included in the bag that covers installation and set-up of the software, and basic use of the pedals.
Coding and Themeing Interviews


A theory should reveal rather than color your discoveries. Try different ones on for size, and allow your data to guide you to what's most suitable. More experienced researchers may develop their own theory where current theories fail to provide insight.

Software for Qualitative Data Analysis