On these pages are the sources I most often recommend for researching and learning about Islamic Law. If you don't see what you need, contact me using the information to the left! I'm available for quick questions or for private research consultation by appointment.
Islamic family law in a changing world : a global resource book. (Abdullahi A. An-Na’im, ed.) Islamic Ref MOSLEM 913 ISL36 2002 [Copies 1-2]
Tahir Mahmood. Statutes of personal law in Islamic countries: history, texts and analysis. Islamic Ref MOSLEM 913 MAH66 1995
Dawoud El Alami & Doreen Hinchcliffe. Islamic marriage and divorce laws of the Arab world. Islamic Ref KMC160 .E4 1996
David Pearl. Muslim family law. Islamic Ref MOSLEM 913 PEA75 1998
Lynn, Welchman. Women and Muslim family laws in Arab states : a comparative overview of textual development and advocacy: KBP550.32.W45 A39 2007
Basic Reference Sources
There are a number of basic reference sources you can use to define terms, etc. as you begin your research.
Encyclopaedia of Islam Online--Extensice encyclopedia with over 13,000 articles on Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies.
Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an--Encyclopedia covering all aspects of the Qur’an including qur’anic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis as well as essays on important themes and subjects within qur’anic studies.
A good place to start is the Harvard online public catalogue called Hollis. General books dealing with family law can be catalogued under "family law", "domestic relations" and "personal status" in addition to more specific subjects like "marriage" or "divorce". Search for these topics and "Islamic Law" or a particular country like "Egypt". At Harvard, most materials on Islamic law will be found in HLSL, Widener and Andover-Harvard Theological Library.
If you are interested in knowing about books at other libraries, WorldCat is an excellent resource. Here you will access to the collections at major research libraries all over the world. Search terms are the same as for Hollis.
There are many useful indexes for finding articles about Islamic law.
These are accessible via E-Research on Hollis and will require a HU ID and PIN number if you are off campus (Exception--Le Doctrinal. See below)
Index Islamicus--produced by the Islamic Bibliography Unit at Cambridge University Library, is a bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world. Index Islamicus provides access to over 2,000 journals and series
LegalTrac--indexes the contents of nearly 1000 legal periodicals, including academic law journals, bar association publications, and legal newspapers covering English-language publications from the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the U.K.
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals --a multilingual index to articles and book reviews appearing in approximately 540 legal journals published worldwide.
Le Doctrinal (By IP only from HLSL public terminals) --indexes almost 200 French language law journals.
PAIS --indexes the public and social policy literature of public administration, political science, economics, finance, international relations, law, and health care, International in scope, PAIS indexes publications in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish
Academic Search Premier--a multi-disciplinary database that includes citations and abstracts from over 4,700 scholarly publications
MultiDataOnline--provides full text from and bibliographic citations to selected newspapers and periodicals from the Arab world in Arabic, English, and French. MultiDataOnline consists of five databases: 1."General News" provides full text and covers 52 dailies and weeklies since 1994; 2. "Specialized Periodicals" provides bibliographic citations from more than 225 specialized Arabic periodicals since 1920; 3. "Reviews" provides full text book reviews from more than 250 newspapers and magazines in the Arab world from 1998; 4. "Theses" provides a subject index to theses submitted to 21 Lebanese institutions of higher learning; and, 5. "Index Arabicus" documents the contents of 42 Arabic periodicals published between 1870 and 1969. The database has both Arabic and English interfaces.
Islam in Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa--The bibliography contains several thousand references to secondary literature in European languages about Islam in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa, published between 1960 to 2005
Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts--database version of the bi-monthly journal.
Women's Studies International --citations and abstracts are drawn from a variety of essential women's studies databases which range in coverage from classic works & core studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research.
The sources of Islamic Law are the Qur'an and the Sunnah (the traditions of the Prophet). Most of these texts have been digitized in various translations and are available on the web.
Qur'an--USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts. Translations by Yusufali, Pickthall, & Shakir. Also allows searching of the text.
Hadith Collections:
Sunnah and Hadith--USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts. Includes Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Da'ud, & Makik. Searching also an option.
In addition to the web collections above, the Harvard University Libraries hold tremendous collections on the sources--in Arabic and Persian as well as Western European Languages. Please consult HOLLIS or a reference librarian for further assistance.
Muslim Family Law: Sources, Codes, & Commentaries
A good overview of the family law system along with such useful information as the school of fiqh followed in each country can be found at the Islamic Law Family Law Study at Emory Law School http://www.law.emory.edu/ifl/index2.html
If you read German, the multi-volume loose-leaf, Internationales Ehe- und Kindschaftsrecht has good translations for most countries. Located in ILS on the 4th floor at K670 .F47x 1983.
Other treatises to consult:
Islamic family law in a changing world : a global resource book. (Abdullahi A. An-Na’im, ed.) Islamic Ref KBP540 .I85x 2002 [Copies 1-2]
Tahir Mahmood. Statutes of personal law in Islamic countries: history, texts and analysis. Islamic Ref KBP540.32.M346 A37 1995
Dawoud El Alami & Doreen Hinchcliffe. Islamic marriage and divorce laws of the Arab world. Islamic Ref KMC160 .E4 1996
David Pearl. Muslim family law. KBP540.95 .P43 1998
Lynn Welchman.. Women and Muslim family laws in Arab states : a comparative overview of textual development and advocacy KBP550.32.W45 A39 2007
The basic list of laws for each country was taken from Reynolds & Flores, Foreign Law Guide: Current Sources of Codes and Basic Legislation in Jurisdictions in the World. The online version is available from any public computer in the Harvard Law School Library at http://www.foreignlawguide.com.
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
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