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Finding Items at HLSL

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Find by Call Number


Start by searching HOLLIS to find the call number. HLSL has two main call number systems, Library of Congress (LC) and Moody.

 In addition to the call number, be sure to note the Library, CollectionStatus and Publication Date. Some material is stored offsite or shelved elsewhere in the Library.  See the exceptions listed below. 

Find by LC Call Number

Use this table to find the building and floor number for most Law School items with Library of Congress call numbers (e.g. KNS540 .F53 2011)


Call Number Subject/Region or Country  Langdell Floor
A–H Non-Law 4
J Political Science, Int'l Law & Relations 4


Recent Law Reviews & Journals 4


Jurisprudence, Comp., Int Trade,Human Rights 4
KB-KBP Religious Law 4
KD-KDK England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland 4
KDZ America, North America 4
KE–KEY Canada 4
KF-KFZ U.S. Federal, State & Territorial Law 4
KGA-KGZ Central America, the West Indies, the Caribbean 1N
KHA-KHW South America 1N
KJ-KJE Roman Law, Europe (Regional & Comparative) 1N
KJG-KKH Europe: Albania through Italy 1N
KKH-KKZ Europe: Italy through Yugoslavia B
KL-KLW Eurasia: Regional and Russia through Uzbekistan B
KM-KMY Asia: Regional, Middle East, Armenia through Yemen B
KN-KPW Asia: South & East Asia: Afghanistan through Vietnam B
KQ-KTK Africa:Regional, Algeria through Zimbabwe B
KU-KWC       Australia, New Zealand, Pacific & Antarctica B
KZ-KZD Law of Nations (International Law) B
L-Z Non-Law B




About our call number systems

Most material on-site at the Harvard Law School Library uses the Library of Congress call number system.

Library of Congress Call Numbers

Library of Congress call numbers indicate the subject, author and publication year of a work


KNS540 .F53 2011

K=Law  KNS=Law of India 540=Family Law .F53= Author 2011=publication year    

Other call number systems

You might see two other call number systems in HOLLIS, the Moody System (e.g. FRA 800, ROMAN 918) and the Olivart System (e.g. 76g 1234). Most material with these call numbers is in off-site storage or Historical & Special Collections. 

Moody Call Numbers

Older foreign, comparative and religious law materials may use the Moody call number system. 

Moody country call numbers indicate the jurisdiction, the form, subject and author of a work


Raymond Barraine, Droit Constitutionnel et Institutions Politique (1954)


FRA = France 900 = Treatises 62= Constitutional Law BAR = Author's last name, abbreviated

Moody subject call numbers indicate the major subject, form, more specific subject and author of a work


Bruce W. Frier, Landlords & Tenants in Imperial Rome (1980)


ROMAN = Roman Law 900 = Treatises 18= Constitutional Law FRI= Author's last name, abbreviated


Moody Subject Call Numbers include MOSLEM, ANCIENT, CANON, COMP and ROMAN

These materials are generally not in the open stacks. Please contact Reference for help locating these materials.

Moody materials are no longer in the open stacks. Most are in offsite storage or in Historical & Special Collections.  You can still use the Moody system to find materials in HOLLIS. 

Shelving Exceptions

Shelving Exceptions

Collection Locators

A collection listed before the call number in HOLLIS indicates that the book isn't on our regular shelves.


Collection What is this? Where is it?
Harvard Depository Offsite storage Request via HOLLIS

Islamic Ref/Moslem

Islamic Law & Reference Langdell 1N
Mic Storage Request at Circulation.
Reserve Course and permanent reserve.  Langdell 2. Ask at Circulation
Ref/Ref Desk Ref Desk/Reference Langdell 3S
Study    Study Guide Collection Langdell. Ask at Circulation

Art, MSS, Red Set, Rare, Special Collections Reference

Historical and Special Collections

Root Room, Langdell 4S

Access by appointment
More details on HSC holdings

Publication Dates

Pay attention to publication dates! Items in HOLLIS won't always have a Historical and Special Collections collection locator. You'll need to know your dates too!

Harvard Law School's Historical and Special Collections holds:

  • all of the Library’s pre-1851 holdings
  • most pre-1877 American imprints
  • many Anglo-American legal materials to 1900
  • international law to 1911
  • Russian and Soviet law to 1954
  • Chinese law to 1960

Many other items are split by date. Check the HOLLIS record to see if older items are at the Harvard Depository.

Find a Subject or Region

Browse by LC Subject and Region

The Library of Congress classification system for K (Law)  is organized into subjects and regions.
Subject Langdell Floor
Recent Law Journals 2N
Law in General, Comparative and Uniform Law, Jurisprudence 4
Religious Law in General, Comparative Religious Law 4
Jewish Law 4
Islamic Law  4
Islamic Reference 1N
History of Canon Law 4
Law of the Roman Catholic Church, The Holy See 4


Region Langdell Floor
United Kingdom & Ireland 4
North America (Americas & N. America, Canada, U.S.) 4
Latin America, Central America, West Indies, Caribbean 1N
South America 1N
Europe 1N 
Europe (Cont.) B
Eurasia B
Asia B
Africa B
Pacific Area and Antarctica B




Browse Countries A-D

Countries A-D

Country Floor LC Call No.
Afghanistan (AFG) B KNF1-99
Albania (ALB) 1N KJG 0-4999   
Algeria  (ALG) B KQG 0-4999
American Samoa  (US/AS) B KVH
Andorra  (AND) 1N KJH 0-499
Angola (ANG) B KQH 0-4990
Anguilla (BWI/LI/A) 1N KGJ 7000-7499
Antigua and Barbuda (ANT) 1N KGK 0-499
Argentina (ARG) 1N KHA
Armenia (Republic) (ARM) 1N KMF 0-489
Aruba (NET/AR) 1N KGK 1000-1499
Australia (AU) B KU-KUN
Austria (AUS) 1N KJJ 0-4999
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (AUST) 1N KJJ 0-4999
Azerbaijan (AZE) 1N KLE 0-490
Bahamas (BA) 1N KGL 0-499
Bahrain (BAH) 1N KMF 1000-1490
Bangladesh (BAN) B KNG 0-4990
Barbados (BAR) 1N KGL 1000-1499
Belarus (BE) B KLF 0-490
Belgium (BEL) 1N KJK 0-4999
Belize (BRH) 1N KGA 0-9000
Benin (BEN) B KQJ 0-
Bermuda Islands (BER) 4 KDZ 2000-2499
Bhutan (BHU) B KNH 0-490
Bolivia (BOL) 1N KHC 0-8200
Bosnia and Hercegovina (to 1991) (BOS) B KKZ 5000-5099
Bosnia and Hercegovina (BOS) 1N KJK8001-8699
Botswana (BOT) B KQK 0-490
Brazil (BRA) 1N KHD
British Virgin Islands (BWI/LI/V) 1N KGL 4000-4499
Brunei (BRU) B KNK 0-490
Bulgaria (BUL) 1N KJM 0-4999
Burkina Faso (BURK) B KQT 0-490
Burma (BUR) B KNL 0-4990
Burundi (BURU) B KQV 0-490
Byzantine Empire (ROMAN) 1N KJA 1350-1556
Cambodia (CA) B KNM 0-4990
Cameroon (CAM) B KQW 0-8020
Canada (CAN) 4 KE
Canon law (CANON) 4 KBR-KBU
Cape Verde (CAV) B KQX 0-490
Cayman Islands (BWI/C) 1N KGM 0-499
Central African Republic (CEN) B KRB 0-490
Chad (CHA) B KRC 0-490
Chile (CHI) 1N KHF
China (People's Republic: 1949-) (CHIN-PR) B KNQ 0-9598
China (Republic : 1949- ). Taiwan (CHIN) 1N KNP 0-490
Colombia (COL) 1N KHH
Comoros (COM) B KRE 0-490
Congo (Brazzaville) (CON-R) B KRG 0-490
Congo (Democratic Republic) (CON) B KTX 0-4990
Cook Islands (NEZ/C) B KVL 0-489
Costa Rica (COS) 1N KGB 0-9000
Côte d'Ivoire (IVO) B KSH 0-4999
Croatia (to 1991) (CRO) B KKZ 5200-
Croatia (CRO) 1N KJM7001-7505
Cuba (CUB) 1N KGN 0-9800
Cyprus (CYP) 1N KJN 0-499
Cyprus (Turkish republic of northern Cyprus, 1983- ) (CYP-N) 1N KJN 0-499
Czech Republic (CZE) 1N KJP 5400-5999
Czechoslovakia (CZE) 1N KJP 0-4999
Denmark (DEN) 1N KJR 0-4999
Djibouti (DJI) B KRK 0-490
Dniester Moldovan Republic (MOL-D) 1N KLM 293.5 .D58
Dominica (DO) 1N KGP 2000-2499
Dominican Republic (DOM) 1N KGQ

Browse Countries E-K

Countries E-K

Country Floor LC Call No.
East Timor (TIM) B KNW 5001-5499
Ecuador (ECU) 1N KHK 
Egypt (EGY) B KRM 1-4990
El Salvador (SAL) 1N KGC
Equatorial Guinea (EQU) B KSE 0-490
Eritrea (ERI) B KRN 0-499
Estonia (EST) 1N KJS 0-4890
Ethiopia (ETH) B KRP 0-4990
Falkland Islands (FAL) 1N KHL 0-9000
Fiji (FIJ) B KVN 0-490
Finland (FIN) 1N KJT 0-4999
France (FRA) 1N KJV
French Equatorial Africa (FRE) B KRR 0-499
French Guiana (FRA/FRE) 1N KHM 0-9000
French Indochina (IN-F) B KNV 0-489
French Polynesia (FRA/POL) B KVP 0-100
French West Africa (FREN) B KRS 0-499
Gabon (GAB) B KRU 0-490
Gambia (GAM) B KRV 0-489
Georgia(Republic) (GEO) B KLH 0-490
Germany (GER) 1N KK-KKC
Ghana (GHA) B KRX 0-4990
Gibraltar (GIB) B KRY 0-499
Great Britain (UK) 4 KD
Greece (GRE) 1N KKE 0-4999
Greenland (DEN/G) 4 KDZ 3000-3499
Grenada (GREN) 1N KGR4000-4499
Guadeloupe (FRA/GUA) 1N KGR 5000-5499
Guam (US/GU) B KVQ
Guatemala (GUA) 1N KGD
Guinea (GUI) B KSA 0-490
Guinea-Bissau (GUIB) B KSC 0-490
Guyana (BRG) 1N KHN 0-9000
Haiti (HAI) 1N KGS 0-900
Holy Roman Empire (storage) (GER/HRE) 1N KK 290-378
Honduras (HON) 1N KGE
Hong Kong (China) (HONG) B KNR 0-4890
Hungary (HUN) 1N KKF 0-4999
Iceland (ICE) 1N KKG 0-499
India (IN) B KNS-KNU
Indonesia (IND) B KNW 0-4990
Iran (IR) B KMH 0-4990
Iraq (IRA) B KMJ 0-4990
Ireland (IRE) 4 KDK 21-1950
Islamic law (MOSLEM) 4 KBP
Israel (ISR) B KMK 0-4990
Italy (ITA) 1N and B KKH 0-4999
Jamaica (JAM) 1N KGT 0-499   
Jordan (JOR) B KMM 0-490
Kazakhstan (KAZ) B KLR 0-490
Kenya (KNY) B KSK 0-4990
Kiribati (KIR) B KVR 0-490
Korea (North) (KOR-DR) B KPC 0-4990
Korea (South) (KOR) B KPA 0-4990
Kosovo (Republic) (KOS) B KKH 9901-9999.5
Kuwait (KUW) B KMN 0-499
Kyrgyzstan (KYR) B KLS 0-490

Browse Countries L-Q

Countries L-Q

Country Floor LC Call No.
Laos (LAO) B KPE 0-4990
Latvia (LAT) B KKI 0-4890
Lebanon (LEB) B KMP 0-495
Lesotho (LES) B KSL 0-490
Liberia (LI) B KSN 0-490
Libya (LIB) B KSP 0-4990
Liechtenstein (LIE) B KKJ 0-499
Lithuania (LIT) B KKJ 5000-9890
Luxembourg (LUX) B KKK 0-499
Macau (China : Special Administrative Region) (CHIN-PR/MA) B KNQ 9401-9499
Macedonia (to 1991) (MAC) B KKZ 5400-5499
Macedonia (Republic) (MAC) B KKK 501-1000
Madagascar (M) B KSR 0-490
Madeira Islands (POR/MAD) B KKQ 2935 .M33
Malawi (MAL) B KSS 0-490
Malaysia (MALA) B KPG-KPH
Maldives (MALD) B KPH 5000-5490
Mali (MALI) B KST 0-490
Malta (MALT) B KKK 1000-1499
Marshall Islands (MAR) B KVS 0-490
Martinique (FRA/MART) 1N KGT 1000-1499
Mauritania (MAU) B KSU 0-490
Mauritius (MAUR) B KSV 0-490
Mayotte (FRA/MAY) B KSV 5000-5490
Mexico (MEX) 1N KGF
Micronesia (Federated States) (MICR) B KVS 500-990
Moldova (MOL) B KLM 0-490
Monaco (MO) B KKL 0-499
Mongolia (MON) B KPJ 0-490
Montenegro (to 1991) (MONT) B KKZ 5500-5599
Montenegro (MONT) B KKL1001-1505
Montserrat (BWI/LI/M) 1N KGT 2000-2499
Morocco (MOR) B KSW 1-4990
Mozambique (MOZ) B KSX 0-4990
Myanmar B KNL 0-4990
Namibia (NAM) B KSY 0-4989
Nauru (NAU) B KVU 0-499
Nepal (N) B KPK 0-490
Netherlands (NET) B KKM 0-4999
Netherlands Antilles (NET/ANT) 1N KGR 1000-1499
New Caledonia (FRA/NE) B KVW 0-490
New Zealand (NEZ) B KUQ 0-4990
Nicaragua (NIC) 1N KGG
Niger (NIG) B KSZ 0-490
Nigeria (NIGE) B KTA 0-9150
Niue (NEZ/N) B KWA 0-489
Northern Ireland (UK/NI) 4 KDE 21-580
Norway (NOR) B KKN 0-4999
Oman (OMA) B KMQ 0-490
Pakistan (PAK) B KPL 0-4990
Palau (PAL) B KWG 0-490
Palestinian National Authority (PALE) B KMM 500-989
Panama (PAN) 1N KGH 0-8000
Papua New Guinea (PAP) B KWH 0-490
Paraguay (PAR) 1N KHP
Peru (PERU) 1N KHQ
Philippines (PHI) B KPM 0-4999
Pitcairn Island (NEZ/P) B KWL 0-499
Poland (POL) B KKP 0-4999
Portugal (POR) B KKQ 0-4999
Puerto Rico (US/PR) 1N KGV 0-8200
Qatar (QAT) B KMS 0-490

Browse Countries R-Z

Countries R-Z

Country Floor LC Call No.
Réunion (FRA/REU) B KTC 0-499
Roman law (ROMAN) 1N KJA 2-3660
Romania (RUM) B KKR 0-4999
Rome [Roman Empire] (ROMAN ) 1N KJA
Russia (Federation) (RUSS) B KLB
Russia [pre-1917 Empire] (RUS) B KLA
Rwanda (RWA) B KTD 0-490
Saint Helena (BWA/SA) B KTE 0-490
Saint Kitts and Nevis (STK) 1N KGW 2000-2499
Saint Lucia (STL) 1N KGW 3000-3499
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (FRA/SAP) Lang 4 KDZ 4000-4499
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (STV) 1N KGW 5000-5499
Samoa (SAM) B KWW 0-490
San Marino (SAN) B KKS 0-499
Sao Tome and Principe (SAO) B KTF 0-490
Saudi Arabia (SAU) B KMT 0-4990
Scotland (UK/SC) Lang 4 KDC 51-990
Senegal (SEN) B KTG 0-4990
Serbia (to 1991) (SER) B KKZ 5700-5799
Serbia (SER) B KKS 1001-1505
Serbia and Montenegro (State Union) (SER) B KKS 3001-3499
Seychelles (SEY) B KTH 0-490
Sierra Leone (SIE) B KTJ 0-490
Singapore (SIN) B KPP 0-499
Slovakia (SLOK) B KJQ 0-499
Slovenia (to 1991) (SLON) B KKZ 6201-6299
Slovenia (SLON) B KKS 6001-6505
Solomon Islands (SOL) B KWL 2000-2490
Somalia (SOM) B KTK 0-490
South Africa (SOU) B KTL 0-9560
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SOUG) 1N KHR 0-5999
Soviet Union (USSR) B KLA
Spain (SPA) B KKT 0-4999
Sri Lanka (SRI) B KPS 0-4990
Sudan (SUD) B KTQ 0-4990
Suriname (SUR) 1N KHS 0-9800
Swaziland (SWA) B KTR 0-490
Sweden (SWE) B KKV
Switzerland (SWI) B KKW 0-4999
Syria (SYR) B KMU 0-490
Tajikistan (TAJ) B KLT 0-490
Tanzania (TAN) B KTT 0-9910
Thailand (THA) B KPT 0-4990
Togo (TOGO) B KTU 0-490
Tokelau (NEZ/T) B KUQ 2315 .T65
Tonga (TON) B KWP 0-490
Trinidad and Tobago (TRI) 1N KGX 0-499
Tunisia (TUN) B KTV 0-4990
Turkey (TUR) B KKX 0-4999
Turkmenistan (TURK) B KLV 0-490
Turks and Caicos Islands (BWI/TU) 1N KGY 0-499
Tuvalu (TUV) B KWQ 0-490
Uganda (UGA) B KTW 0-490
Ukraine (UKR) B KKY 0-4994
United Arab Emirates (UAE) B KMV 0-9870
United States (US) Lang 4 KF
Uruguay (URU) 1N KHU
Uzbekistan (UZB) B KLW 0-490
Vanuatu (VAN) B KWR 0-490
Vatican City (VA) Lang 4 KBU 4064-4074
Venezuela (VEN) 1N KHW
Vietnam (VIE) B KPV 0-8094.2
Virgin Islands of the United States (US/VI) 1N KGZ 0-499
Wallis and Futuna Islands (FRA/W) B KWT 2000-2490
West Africa (WES) B KQC 121
Yemen (Republic) (YEM) B KMX 1-1526
Yugoslavia (YUG) B KKZ 0-4999
Zambia (ZAM) B KTY 0-490
Zimbabwe (ZIM) B KTZ 0-490

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