Book-Length Biographies
WorldCat and Local Library Catalogs -- More Sources
Notable figures are often subjects of full biographies, some more scholarly than others. More scholarly publications will include footnotes and bibliography.
WorldCat and Local Library Catalogs
Search for book-length biographies in your local library catalog and in WorldCat (has both free and institutional subscription interfaces). More on WorldCat
More Sources
American National Biography Online (Institutional login) is the main biographical dictionary for major figures. Articles have bibliographies which often identify the best biographies.
- Other reviews can often be found by entering the book title in a library catalog and limiting to "reviews."
Digital Libraries
General digital libraries like Google Books, HathiTrust (both free and institutional subscription options) and Internet Archive are good sources for the full text of pre-1924 book length biographies. More on digital libraries on the General Biographical Tools page.