Overleaf Professional
To get access to Overleaf Professional, you must create an account using your Harvard email address. Adding a secondary email address is highly recommended for several reasons.
Overleaf premium features with the professional account
- Invite more collaborators
- More compile time
- Real-time track changes
- Full document history and versioning
- Advanced reference search
- Reference manager integration
- Dropbox synchronization
- Git and GitHub integration
- Symbol Palette
- Priority Support
How do I integrate related resources into Overleaf?
- Log in to Overleaf
- Click on Account (top right)
- Click on Account Settings
- Here you can link to Dropbox, GitHub Sync, Git Integration, Mendeley, Zotero, ORCID, and more.
- Click on Account Settings
- Click on Account (top right)
What happens if I leave Harvard? You will not lose access to any projects you own, but your account will revert to a free plan, and you will lose premium features. Be sure to add a secondary email address to avoid losing access to your projects when your Harvard email becomes inactive.