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Expos 20: Personhood in U.S. Constitutional Law: Databases for Journal Articles

A Research Guide

Databases for Journal Articles

Use these databases for faster access to more relevant search results.

But . . . won't I get all the articles I need with HOLLIS?
HOLLIS will give you a lot of articles, but specialized databases (like those below) can give you more focused results from specific fields of study.

Academic Search Premier
Covers all academic subjects, and includes popular magazines as well as scholarly journals.

America: History and Life
Search for journal articles, essays and books on the historical background of Supreme Court cases, such as Plessy v. Ferguson, that tested and developed the notion of personhood.

A vast collection of original legal texts, analysis, and interpretation, including articles from more than 3,100 law journals. Among the many subcollections is the U.S. Supreme Court Library. See the Harvard Kennedy School Library's list of other databases on the Supreme Court and the Federal Judiciary. For audio recordings and succinct overviews of Supreme Court cases, use


Articles in news media can give you basic facts about a court case, its background, and its social impact. You can also find interviews, op-ed essays, and other personal statements in news media.

Nexis Uni and Factiva
These two databases of newspapers and other news sources include articles from the 1970s until today. For older articles, use the historical New York Times and other newspapers from ProQuest Historical Newspapers
NOTE: Factiva automatically searches for the latest three months of content only, but you can change this time frame when setting up your search.