MLA International Bibliography(EBSCOhost):The most important academic database for deep searching of the scholarship produced about all periods of literature (and in all languages). It also has strong and substantial coverage of scholarship on film, popular culture, folklore, and film. If a Literature Department teaches it, you'll find it covered here.
LION(Literature Online): Articles from over 430 scholarly journals included from the Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL), one of the most important bibliographic sources for English studies, and the British equivalent to the MLA. You may find significant overlap with MLA, but sometimes it helps to search LION as well.
Screen Studies Collection:A comprehensive survey of current publications related to film scholarship, theory, and criticism. Consider it a great resource for film studies globally.
Film and Television Literature Index: Both journalistic and scholarly reviews of film, critical analysis of cinema and television and coverage of topics related to writing production, film preservation, and film technique.