Finding Reviews & Articles

HOLLIS+ indexes periodicals (newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals) but is not comprehensive for music. In order to find articles on specific topics in key databases also search resources listed below.

E-Research @ Harvard Libraries: Find electronic journals, resources and databases, across disciplines, save citations, and more. If you have partial information about an article, try using Citation Linker to locate. Find It @ Harvard links in database results lead to full text.

Finding Reviews (Performances, Recordings)

LexisNexis Academic (Harvard Users, 1980s-present) Full text, good for finding major newspapers, New York Times, Billboard, Rolling Stone, Variety, etc. 

Rock's Backpages (Harvard Users): Rock journalism, reviews, articles and interviews.

International Index to Music Periodicals (Harvard users, 1874-present) Good coverage (selective full text) of topics in pop music and ethnomusicology (scholarly and popular (Billboard, Rolling Stone)).

Music Index (Harvard Users, 1976-present): Indexes scholarly publications and magazines such as Billboard, Rolling Stone, and other titles (citations only).

JSTOR Music (Harvard users, full text): Great content, watch date coverage (for many titles, coverage does not include the latest 5 years or so).

Finding Scholarly Articles

All of the above, and the "go to" music tool for finding scholarly articles:

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Ebsco): Includes articles, book reviews, dissertations, essays, book chapters, collections. Although it covers fewer popular titles (Billboard is here) , you should start here to find academic articles in music and intersecting disciplines such as critical theory, cultural studies.

Multi-disciplinary sources:

Academic Search Premier: Billboard, Rolling Stone, and general news such as Time and Newsweek.

Anthropology Plus 


Database covering social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology; ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies.

Business Source Complete

Ethnic NewsWatch (1990-)
Interdisciplinary, bilingual (English and Spanish), and comprehensive full text database of the newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press.

Sociological Abstracts (1963-)
Database of scholarly publications in sociology, featuring useful abstracts for articles, book chapters, dissertations.

Web of Knowledge: Arts and Humanities Citation Index