Subject Bibliographies

Oxford Bibliographies Online  HARVARD KEY

The OBO is designed help you identify some of the most important and influential scholarship on a broad social, political, cultural or interdisciplinary disciplinary topic. When you're not sure who's important, or what to read, OBOs can help you get some perspective and decide where to focus your attention. 

Here are some examples related to course themes: :


Research Briefs

CRS Reports (Congressional Research Services, Library of Congress) 

These are research briefs, prepared for Congress, usually between 3 and 50 pages, which provide overviews and issue frames on the host of concerns with which legislators are preoccupied.  CRS reports distill and synthesize in a non-partisan way and do so in layperson's language.

The CRS reports linked above address political, social, economic, regulatory, and legal issues related to animals, their welfare, and their rights. 

NGOs and Think Tanks

Think Tank Search Harvard Kennedy School Library 

The Librarians at the Harvard Kennedy School  created this custom Google search engine to collect in one place the public policy research, analysis, and activity that lives on websites scattered across the web.  The Think Tank Search draws from universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, and non-governmental organizations.

Policy papers typically don't get published the same way as journals, but they circulate in other ways and they influence thinking and debate.  They're worth considering as sources in projects like the ones you'll be doing in your Expos 20 course this term. 

As a test, just see what happens when you type plant-based foods into this resource. 

Statistical Sources


A statistics portal that integrates over 60,000 diverse topics of data and facts from over 10,000 sources onto a single platform. Statista provides business customers, researchers, and the academic community with access to quantitative facts on agriculture, finance, politics, and additional areas of interest. Sources of information include market researchers, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.

ProQuest Statistical Insight HARVARD KEY

A rich compilation of macro-level data, both national and international. 

Public Opinion Polls

Roper Center iPOLL Harvard key

The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, located at Cornell University, is one of the world’s leading archives of social science data, specializing in data from public opinion surveys.

Since its beginning, the Roper Center has focused on surveys conducted by the news media and commercial polling firms. However, it also holds many academic surveys, including important historical collections from the National Opinion Research Center and Princeton University’s Office of Public Opinion Research.