Datasets & Collections

These are repositories of data from many sources, including research that created data. This means that searching the site to see if they might have data you need is challenging and sometimes there are placeholders rather than data sets.

Micro-level Data Collections

Harvard Dataverse Network
The Harvard Dataverse includes the world's largest collection of social science research data. Collections include data sets from government entities, universities, and individual researchers. Data can be downloaded in multiple formats, if permissions allow, and in some cases subset for analysis.

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
One of the world’s oldest and largest social science data archives; based at the University of Michigan. Categories of datasets include census enumerations; community and urban studies; economic behavior and attitudes; government structures, policies and capabilities; social indicators; and much more.

Internet Crossroads in the Social Sciences Data and Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This website provides over 875 links (each link includes a brief description) to summary-level and micro-level data sites. The site is organized by subject. Subjects include crime, education, labor, religion, history, health.
A global registry of research data repositories from different academic disciplines.