Economics & Business Databases

  • EconLit - published by the American Economic Association, provides bibliographic coverage of a wide range of economics-related literature.
  • ABI/INFORM - scholarly and trade journal articles in business, management, and trade. Also covers dissertations, SSRN working papers, market reports, industry reports, business cases, local and regional business information, and global and trade news. Includes full text of The Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition, and digital images of selected key business journals from the first issue to the present.

Thanks to Engineering Librarian Robyn Rosenberg for this section of the guide. 

Harvard Business School's Baker Library

Please note that certain databases are exclusively accessible to HBS students, while others can be utilized onsite at the Baker Library. Databases labeled with "HarvardKey" under "Access Method" are open to all Harvard students.

Thanks to engineering librarian Robyn Rosenberg for this section of the guide.