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Style Guides
Citing music, recordings, and liner notes can be tricky; these websites offer general guides for citing your sources, plus tips for music materials.
- Harvard College Writing Program: Writing Resourcesa number of writing guides, including the Harvard Guide to Using Sources
- Chicago Manual of Stylethe full text of the 18th edition, plus quick style guides and FAQs
- Citing Miscellaneous Sourcesincludes music videos, film, recordings, interviews, etc. (from the Yale Writing Center)
Music Citation Examples
Examples only -- please consult your professor, particularly about sound recordings, as varying citation formats exist.
Score (sheet music):
Brown, James. 20 All Time Greatest Hits! (voice and piano, with chord symbols and guitar chord diagrams). Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard, 1995.
Sound recording (CD or LP, see Chicago Manual of Style, 14.276 for more examples):
Brown, James. New Millenium Funk Party. Rhino, R2 76788. 2001.
Discography: Those in monograph form may be cited as books; sound recordings have their own citation format and can be grouped in a discography section of your bibliography.
Parliament Funkadelic. The Mothership Connection. DVD. Gravity Ltd.: Pioneer Artists, 2001.
Electronic resources (See the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide for citing e-books, email messages, blog entries, and more):
Web Site:
Sun Ra Arkestra. "Official Website of the Sun Ra Arkestra”. (accessed March 9, 2009).
Article in an Online Journal:
Cooper, B. Lee. "It's still rock and roll to me: Reflections on the evolution of popular music and rock scholarship." Popular Music & Society 21, no. 1 (Spring97 1997): 101. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed July 19, 2012).