Regional Sources

The Online Books Page has an excellent link collection for regional resources. Look for Regional under Specialty.


Gallica includes the full-text for more than 100,000 volumes and 300,000 images covering the Middle Ages to the beginning of the twentieth century, with an emphasis on nineteenth-century material. Included are dictionaries and encyclopedias, journals, manuscripts, recordings and images.

EROMM: European Register of Microform and Digital Masters

EuroDocs: Online Sources for European History: Selected Transcriptions, Facsimiles and Translations.

Europeana: Cultural collections of Europe is the largest European search engine for digitized books, images, manuscripts, etc..

European History Primary Sources is an index of scholarly websites providing access to primary sources.

MICHAEL (Multilingual Inventory of Digital Cultural Heritage) searches digital collections from European museums, archives, libraries, etc. Yields records for whole collections, not individual items.

European Library
Can limit searches to Digital Collections

Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.) provides access to full text articles from 667 humanities and social science journals and re-digitized documents pertaining to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics.

Connected Histories: British History Sources, 1500-1900 provides federated searching for several databases of British primary historical sources, including the primary source content of British History Online for 1500-1900.

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

Online-Publikationen in Deutschland (OAI-Suche)

United States

Collaborative Digitization Programs in the United States

State Archives Collections Online: Directory of Digital Collections, Virtual Exhibits, and State Memory Projects

Nineteenth Century in Print: The Making of America in Books and Periodicals: Periodicals

American Memory (Library of Congress)

Documenting the American South

Yale Law School Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy

American Social History Online

Opening History

Early Americas Digital Archive
Texts, authors may submit their editions.

Discovering American Women's History Online

A Chronology of US Historical Documents

Labor Arts
online museum. Distributed. Images: Art, posters, artifacts. Music sheet music, audio

Civil Rights Digital Library

Latin America/Caribbean

Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) includes digitized books, journals, and newspapers, photographs, posters, maps, and other material. All languages in the Caribbean area are represented, with emphasis on English, Spanish, and French.


ilissAfrica (Internet Library Sub-Saharan Africa).


Digital South Asia Library