Subject Specific Sources

This is a preliminary list of sources for history and for the sciences. Good lists by subject are available on the Online Books Page  and the British Columbia International Digital Library.


Internet History Sourcebooks Project

History On-Line Primary Sources. Can search annotations in list only. At: Select one or more databases, choose Websites

NINES (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship) ia a searchable (full text search available) database of selected digital scholarship and of websites related to 19th century materials. Where fee-based material is found, you will have to go through Harvard Libraries; no automatic link to Harvard resources is available.

Electronic Text Collections is a list of online text collections.

Electronic Texts, Primary Sources, Digital Libraries is a list.

Historical Text Archive


Historical Math Monographs (Cornell).

DML: Digital Mathematics Library (Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library): Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs


NASA Astrophysics Data System contains largeley periodical literature but has some books


Selected Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry


Biodiversity Heritage Library

Smith, C. H. 2002-2008. Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies: To 1950 is continued by Early Classics in Biogeography, Distribution, and Diversity Studies: 1951 to 1975

Darwin Online


Botanicus Digital Library offers full text historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library.


AnimalBase: Early Zoological Literature Online offers digitized texts to about 1800 searchable by taxon or work.


Medical Heritage Library. Information about the Medical Heritage Library

Human and Social Sciences

Defining Gender Online: Five Centuries of Advice Literature for Men and Women (1450-1910).


Core Historical Literature of Agriculture, Cornell University is a collection of full-text searchable agricultural texts (1850-1950). Includes agricultural economics and engineering, animal science, crop protection, food science, forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, and soil science. Texts are listed and evaluated in The Literature of the Agricultural Sciences, Wallace C. Olsen, series editor. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press:

  • The literature of forestry and agroforestry, 1996.
  • The literature of crop science, 1995.
  • The contemporary and historical literature of food science and human nutrition, 1995.
  • The Literature of soil science, 1994.
  • The Literature of agricultural engineering, 1992.
  • Agricultural economics and rural sociology: the contemporary core literature, 1991.