For scholarship through 1972 on OE vernacular literature, see Fred C. Robinson and Stanley Greenfield, A bibliography of publications on Old English literature to the end of 1972 (Toronto, 1980), which provides full coverage on most OE prose texts (except glosses); excluded are linguistic, archaeological, historical, social and political scholarship "except where such studies deal specifically with a literary aspect of a literary work in OE." [WID-LC PR173.Z99 G73x 1980b] HOLLIS Record
For scholarship since 1972, there are two main resources:
The Old English Newsletter (OEN) bibliography database, which records recent work on Anglo-Saxon literature, language, history, art, archaeology, and other topics. Access to the OEN Bibliography database is free, but is limited to registered users. New items are added to the database annually, after they have appeared in the annual Year’s Work in Old English Studies published in the Old English Newsletter. HOLLIS Record
Scholars should also consult the annual bibliographies in Anglo-Saxon England [Widener Philol 685.2] HOLLIS Record; issues from 2002 and thereafter are available online [Harvard ID required]. The subject indices published in every fifth volume of Anglo-Saxon England are also a valuable resource; see further the list of the contents of volumes 1-27.
For dissertations through the late 1980s see Phillip Pulsiano, An annotated bibliography of North American doctoral dissertations on Old English language and literature. [WID-LC PE123.Z99 P85 x, 1988] HOLLIS Record. See also the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database, where many recent dissertations may be downloaded as PDF files. [Harvard ID required]
Subject entries in the following reference works provide many useful bibliographic references:
Dictionary of the Middle Ages (13 vols., Scribner, 1982-1989) HOLLIS Record
The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England, ed. Michael Lapidge et al. (Blackwell, 1999) HOLLIS Record
Medieval England: an Encyclopedia, ed. Paul E. Szarmach et al. (Garland, 1998) HOLLIS Record
For scholarship on OE language and linguistics, see also the following:
Cameron, Angus. 1983. Old English word studies: a preliminary author and word index. Toronto: Centre for Medieval Studies. HOLLIS Record
Fisiak, Jacek. 1987. A bibliography of writings for the history of the English language. 2nd ed. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter. HOLLIS Record
Tajima, Matsuji. 1988. Old and Middle English language studies: a classified bibliography, 1923-1985. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins. HOLLIS Record