Design-focused Materials Databases
- ArchDaily | Product SearchArchDaily | Product Search is ArchDaily's product database, offering a range of building products by manufacturer, product type, and finish. For each product, ArchDaily provides a description of characteristics, colors, sizes, and applications. Some product descriptions also include BIM files.
- Architizer | Architectural ProductsArchitizer | Architectural Products is Architizer's product library, offering a database of materials and products searchable by brand and functional categories. Their site also includes news about material innovations and informational guides on products and specification.
- DesignBoom | Product LibraryDesignBoom | Product Library is DesignBoom's product database, showcasing a range of products including building materials, fabrics, flooring, and lighting. The database is searchable by product type, manufacturer, or designer. Each product includes descriptions and related information provided by the manufacturer.
- Designer PagesDesigner Pages is a product and material database searchable by health and sustainability standards such as BIFMA level and Cradle to Cradle certifications. The site also syncs with Revit and assists with product specification writing.
- MATERFADMATERFAD is the Barcelona Materials Centre, created and driven by the Fostering Arts and Design (FAD). It serves as an observatory of the future, conducting research focused on innovation, sustainability, and creativity through materials. The website includes events agenda of the Centre and regularly updated news on materials. Resource in Spanish.
- MaterialDistrictMaterialDistrict, formerly Materia, is an international platform of innovative materials. The website offers a searchable database of materials and products, a collection of articles on material innovation, information on recent and future events, and a database of material product brands that is cross referenced with the main material database.
- MatWebA searchable database of material properties with data sheets and spec sheets supplied by manufacturers and distributors.
- OpenMaterialsOpenMaterials is a research group dedicated to open investigation and experimentation with DIY production methods and uses of materials.
- RematerialiseREMATERIALISE a unique, sustainable materials library and online resource, offering innovative material solutions which can have both economic benefits and less environmental impact. Explore an extensive range of materials from around the world, coming from many unexpected sources, including scallop shells, currency, mobile phones, aeroplane windscreens and nettle fibres. (membership free)
- SweetsSweets product library is a building product database for the design and construction professional. The database offers comprehensive product information, CAD details, BIM objects, specs, catalogs, galleries, green product information CEUs, etc. The database is searchable by MasterFormat divisions.
- TransmaterialCompanion to Blaine Brownell's Transmaterial books, provides information about the uses, properties and sources of the latest innovative materials