- Harvard University. A-Cats: Archived Harvard University Online Course CatalogsSearchable database of courses and instructors, 2005-present
- Harvard University. A-Sites: Archived Harvard Web SitesArchived websites from Harvard University Schools, administrative units, and centers
- Harvard University. Catalog of the officers and students of the University in Cambridge.Cambridge, Mass.: various publishers, 1819-1866.
- Harvard University. Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Courses of Instruction.Browsable online course catalogs, 1999-present.
- Harvard University. Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Handbook for Students.Web site provided by the Office of the Registrar. Browsable Handbooks, 2005-present.
- The Harvard University Catalogue. (Some issues titled General Catalogue or Catalogue of Names.)Cambridge, Mass.: various publishers, 1852-1923. Lists faculty, students, and departments. Early years list courses of instruction.
- Harvard University GazetteWebsite provides issues from 1996 to the present.