
To find examples of writing about food from a particular time period in HOLLIS,

  1. From HOLLIS, choose Advanced Search.
  2. Choose the Library Catalog option.
  3. Type in "Food" as a subject.
  4. Under Publication Date, choose Date range and enter appropriate years.
  5. From the results list, refine your results to English language, if needed.

Example: Food writing from the 1800s in English

Periodicals Index Online indexes contents of thousands of journals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1995. Covers journals from North America, the United Kingdom, and the rest of the English-speaking world and journals in other European languages including French, German, Italian and Spanish. Includes the complete table of contents for each issue of each journal.

America: History and Life (1955- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews.