Parliamentary Sources Online
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCCP) (1715-present)
The House of Commons Parliamentary Papers online is a searchable full text data base of the working papers of the House of Commons from 1715 to present. These are papers created by the Commons and also those presented to it. They include bills, parliamentary committee reports and evidence, reports of royal commissions, and command papers. There are financial accounts of government, statistics of trade, treaties, and papers detailing colonial, military, and foreign affairs. Here in breadth and depth are documentary sources for the study of the political, social, and economic life of Great Britain and Ireland and much of the rest of the world. The House of Common Debates (Hansard) are not included here.
TSO Official Documents (May 2005- present)
This Stationery Office site provides listings of Command and departmentally sponsored House of Commons Papers. From May 2005 onwards, all Command Papers and House of Commons Papers, as well as Key Departmental Papers, are available for free on the site in PDF format.
United Kingdom Parliament (1988+) This site is the online source of daily debates, committee debates, reports, the Weekly Information Bulletin, and the Sessional Information Digest.
U.K. Parliament. House of Commons (11/88+)
U.K. Parliament. House of Lords (6/96+)
Parliament on TV Parliament Live [RealPlayer, Windows Media Player]: Live broadcasts of the UK parliament when in session, with keyword searching for archived video footage (one month's archive).
Digitised Historical Parliamentary Material
This page list tables with links to various digitized parliamentary materials online. These originate from various organizations, not necessarily from official sources.
House of Commons Debates
Main Sources
Title | Years | Location |
Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates (ed. by Cobbett) | 1066-1803 | Br Doc 9000.80 |
Hansard’s | 1803-1908 | Br Doc 9000.90 |
Hansard's Index to Debates, House of Commons | 1803-1830 |
In: Nineteenth Century Masterfile (via Harvard Libraries E-Resources) |
Hansard’s | 1909-Present | Br Doc 9000.98 |
Hansard: House of Commons Hansard (Debates) | 11/22/88+ | Hansard |
Historic sources
Title | Years | Location |
Cobbett’s Political Register | 1802-35 | Br Doc 9000.3 |
Mirror of Parliament | 1828-41 | Br Doc 9000.12 |
Parliamentary History of England | 1066-1659 | Br Doc 9000.25 |
History and Proceedings | 1660-1744 | Br Doc 9000.65 |
Index to Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England | 1066-1803 | In: Nineteenth Century Masterfile (via Harvard Libraries E-Resources) |
The parliamentary diary of Thomas Burton, MP for Westmorland (1653-59). 4 volumes. | 1653-1659 | British History Online: Burton, Thomas; Diary of: (via Harvard Libraries E-Resources) |
Extensive verbatim accounts of Commons debates, 1660-1739, in 10 volumes. 10 volumes. Chandler | 1660-1739 | British History Online: Commons, History and Proceedings (Chandler) (via Harvard Libraries E-Resources) |
Debates (1667-94), collected by the Hon. Anchitell Grey, MP (10 vols). 10 volumes. | 1667-1694 |
British History Online: Commons, Debates of (Grey) (via Harvard Libraries E-Resources) |
House of Commons Journals
Title | Years | Location |
House of Commons Journals | 1547-Present | Br Doc 510.5 |
Index to House of Commons Journals | 1547-1778 | Br Doc 14.1 |
Index to House of Commons Journals | 1547-Present | Br Doc 14.2 |
Journal of the House of Commons. volumes 1-12 and 85 | 1547-1699 and 1830 | British History Online (via Harvard Libraries E-Resources) |
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
Documents in Paper
Title | Years | Location |
Parliamentary Papers | 1715-1800 | Br Doc 649.10 Index: Br Doc 649.10.1 |
Parliamentary Papers | 1801+ | Br Doc 650 |
Documents in Microform
Title | Years | Location |
Parliamentary Papers | 1731-1800; parts of 1843, 1846, 1849 & 1877 | Microprint 10 |
Parliamentary Papers | 1801-1921 | Microfiche S 340.5 |
Parliamentary Papers:
1979-Present: |
Parliamentary Papers | 1806/07; 1837 vol. 46, pt. 1 | Film S 57 |
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Indexes
Index to House of Commons parliamentary papers. 1801-Present
Location: Documents (Lamont) CD ROM Doc J301.M563x
Paper and Microform Indexes
Please note that the starred (*) volumes are housed at the Government Documents/Microforms Reference Desk.
Title | Years | Location |
Hansard’s Index | 1696-1834 | Br Doc 5.10* Br Doc 11.32* Br Doc 650.5 |
List of House of Common Sessional Papers | 1701-1750 | Br Doc 14.20* |
Catalog of Papers | 1731-1800 | Br Doc 14.20* |
Parliamentary Papers Index |
Br Doc 650.5* |
HMSO Catalog | 1969+ | Br Doc 4.5 |
Command Papers: Finding List | 1833-1962 | Br Doc 7.5* |
Parliamentary Papers: Index | 1980/1-Present | Microfiche S 340.2 |
House of Commons Committees
Title | Years | Location |
Reports from Committees [15 vols.] | 1715 - 1800 | Br Doc 765.5 |
Standing Committees. Official Report | 1957 - Present | Br Doc 9000.150 |
Standing Committees. Debates and Select Committee Reports | 1997 + | Committees: A-Z Index |
An Index to Chairman of Committees | 1800 - 1899 | Br Doc 7.10 |
Committee on Reports: Indexed by Chair | 1983 + | Br Doc 16.10 |
House of Commons Division Lists
The Division Lists give the results of every vote taken in the House of Commons and list the names of those who voted for and against each motion. It is is usually available to the public the following day in Hansard and on the Parliament website.
Title and Description | Years | Location |
Division Lists Five indexes to the Div. lists for 1836-1875 were published in the Parliamentary Papers and are included on microfiche with the Division lists. |
1836-1909 | Microfiche W 6032 |
Voting Record of British House of Commons | 1761-1820 | Br Doc 545.5 |
Division list is published in Hansard | 1909+ | Br Doc 9000.98 |