Additional Indexes
Biblat: Bibliografia Latinoamericana en revistas de investigacion científica y social (1980- )
Bibliographie latinoamericaine d'articles (1979-1991). Includes the Caribbean. Over 150 journals indexed. Earlier title: Bibliographie d'articles de revues.
LOCATION: Widener: F1408.Z99 B56x (1981-1991 at Harvard Depository)
Biblioteca Virtual de CLACSO - Bases de Datos y Textos Completos (1993- ) offers full text of books, periodical articles, theses and conference papers, in Spanish and Portuguese, on Latin American and Caribbean social sciences.
Bulletin bibliographique Amerique latine (1981- ) abstracts largely French humanities/social sciences journals.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F1408.Z99 B84x F (1981-97)
CARICOM bibliography (1977-86) is a bibliography of Caribbean studies. 10 v.
LOCATION: Widener | WID-LC | Z1501 .C36
Complete Caribbeana, 1900-1975 : a bibliographic guide to the scholarly literature. Excludes Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico. In several languages. 4 v.
LOCATION: Afro-American Studies | F2161.Z99 C65 1977x
LOCATION: Tozzer | REF | F 2161.Z99 C6 1977
LOCATION: Widener | WID-LC | F2161.Z99 C65 x
Dokumentationsdienst Lateinamerika, 1970- .
LOCATION: Widener: SA 5.306.10 (1970-96 at Harvard Depository. Current Issues: Periodicals Reading Room Stacks).
Haiti: guide to the periodical literature in English, 1800-1990.
LOCATION: Afro-American Studies | F1915.Z99 H35 1991x
LOCATION: Tozzer | REF | F1915.Z99 P7 1991
LOCATION: Widener | WID-LC | F1915.Z99 H35 1991x
Hemeroteca Digital (Brazil)
Index of periodical articles on the economics of Latin America / Inter-American Development Bank, Felipe Herrera Library. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1983. 4 v.
LOCATION: Widener Harvard Depository HC123.Z99 F44 x, 1983 F
--Contents : v. 1. Author index -- v. 2. Title index -- v. 3. Subject index, A-O -- v. 4. Subject index, P-Z ; Geographical index.
Index to Latin American periodical literature (1929 -70) lists articles from around 3000 periodicals, arranged by author and subject. For articles before 1951, only authors of literary significance were used as author entries. Articles indexed in Indice general de publicaciones periodicas latinoamericanas (below) are not indexed here.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663. 235 F (In Reference Room, not Loker Reading Room)
Index to Mexican literary periodicals covers 16 periodicals, 1920-1960, otherwise largely unindexed.
LOCATION: Widener | SAL 1440.3.45
Indice de articulos de publicaciones periodicas en el area de ciencias sociales y humanidades, acumulado 1974-1979.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC AI17.I49x 1975 F
Indice general de publicaciones periodicas latinoamericanas; Humanidades y ciencias sociales, 1961-1970.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Abst. & Indexes Z 1605 I5 (1965-69)
LOCATION: Gutman Education: Z 1605.I55
LOCATION: Tozzer: REF F 1401.I5
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository
Indice general de publicaciones periodicas cubanas, 1970- .
LOCATION: Widener: SA 1500.25 (1970-87)
Information and Documentation of Science in Spain (ÍnDICEs-CSIC) is a multidisciplinary bibliographic resource that collects and disseminates mainly research articles published in Spanish scientific journals.
JSTOR allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of several Latin American studies journals. JSTOR provides a list of included Latin American studies journals.
Latin America in periodical literature, 1961-1963.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 5.300 Library has: 1,1962+
Latin American Journals Project (Cornell University Library) provides access to 19th and early 20th century Latin American journals and newspapers.
- See also Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas (CeDInCI) Digital Portal for Latin American Publications of the 20th Century.
- More information in Latin American Cultural & Political Journals: a Digital Selection
Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (1940- ) (Latin Americanist Research Resources Project) provides tables of contents for over 900 periodicals, mainly humanities and social sciences, from 29 countries, most not indexed by HAPI. Coverage differs.
Portal de Portales Latindex offers indexing and full text for academic journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal.
Redalyc offers a full text search of journals from 15 Latin American countries.
Revistas hispanoamericanas: indice bibliografico 1843-1935, indexes 56 journals published in Latin America.
Schlagwortkatalog des Ibero-Amerikanischen Instituts, Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin, 1977, is a printed version of an enormous card catalog. Includes periodical articles and chapters in edited volumes. Listed under (German) subject words..
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F1410.Z99 B47 x, 1977 F
SciELO offers articles from open access scientific journals
Periodical indexes for Spain are listed in Finding Articles in General and Popular Periodicals (North America and Western Europe) and Indexes and Guides to Western European Periodicals.