Expert Showcase: Stephen Leonelli (HKS MPP 2016)

In April 2022, LGBTQI+ policy expert and HKS Alum (2016) Stephen Leonelli (he/him/she/her) led a session of Data + Donuts on data-driven program design for LGBTQI+ inclusive policy. Email us to see a video recording of the event or Stephen's presentation slides.

The content and resources included in this section of our guide are based on Stephen's presentation.

Opening slide from Stephen Leonelli's April 202 Data and Donuts presentation titled, "Data-Driven Program Design for LGBTQI+ Inclusive Policy." Stephen Leonelli

Things to keep in mind when working with quantitative LGBTQI+ data:

  • The data is generally scarce.
  • The data is diverse, in that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, etc. identities all form different data sets.
  • The data is potentially non-illustrative, given respondents' intersecting identities.
  • The data is sensitive and could put people at risk, depending on how it's collected and stored.
  • The data could misrepresent the complexities of respondents' identities. Particularly around questions of gender identity, collecting and disaggregating data can be challenging.
  • The data could be biased.

For these reasons, qualitative data is important to form a more holistic picture of the lived realities of LGBTQI+ people.

Legal & Policy Framework Sources

Government Posture Indicators

Funding Environment

Books on LGBTQ+ Data & Methods