Primary Source Databases

Chernobyl: Newspapers Collection (in Russian)

East View Information Services
A huge archive of Russian news sources, many in English. Searching with English keywords will bring up English-language articles.

The Japan Times (1897-2019)

ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Includes more than four dozen major U.S. newspapers, including the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune.

Nexis Uni and Factiva
These are databases of newspapers and other news sources around the world, from 1980 to the present. In Nexis Uni, use the Advanced Search; select the News tab; and type your search terms in Headline. In Factiva, the default date range is "Last 3 months," but you can change the date coverage if you need to. You don't need quotation marks for phrases. To find your search term in headlines, use the code hd (e.g., hd=fukushima).

Works of art and journalistic photography from around the world -- such as Henry Moore's sculpture Nuclear Energy on the campus of the University of Chicago

AP Images
News photographs from the Associated Press, spanning the 20th century. After searching, you can limit the Source Type to images only.

Alexander Street Video
A large collection of documentaries, shorts, and feature films on many subjects from around the world.

LIFE Magazine was America's most popular news periodical from 1936 until 1972. All the issues of LIFE are available in digital format in Google Books. To find specific articles or subjects, first do a general search for LIFE MAGAZINE. Then open the preview of any of the issues listed, type your search words in the box on the left, and check "Search all issues." You can also browse through all the issues chronologically. Printing is limited to screenshots.

TIME, another extremely popular and influential magazine, is available in the database Academic Search Premier. When you do your search, type the name of the magazine on a separate line, and choose the field "Journal Name" to go with it.

NEWSWEEK, one of the largest-circulation weekly news magazines in the United States, began publication in 1933.