Harvard DASH

What is DASH?

A central, open-access repository of research by members of the Harvard community.

Deposit Your Work

DASH enlarges the audience and impact of your work. Authors who deposit in DASH have access to on-demand metrics and receive monthly reports about their readership. Deposited works receive persistent URLs, are comprehensively indexed by search engines, including Google and Google Scholar, reach academic and non-academic readers who may not have access to the original publications, and are preserved by the Harvard Library.

Making your work open access in DASH is as simple as completing our quick submit form. We also welcome bulk deposits and offer CV scraping services. Simply contact OSC if you are interested. OSC will do the legal legwork for all submissions.

The OSC is pleased to offer a robust suite of services to support you and your scholarship. Visit our For Authors page to learn more.

Harvard Dataverse

Harvard Dataverse


Harvard Dataverse is a a place to both deposit data and find secondary datasets for use in your analysis.



ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.

  • Go to https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/
  • Please contact Harvard Library for Assistance Navigating this Site.

Qualitative Data Repoistory (QDR) @ Syracuse

The QDR is a safe place to deposit qualitative data. It has been certified as a "trustworthy data repository" by CoreTrustSeal. In tandem with the researchers who deposit data with QDR, its trained staff fully curates data to make them usable, discoverable, meaningful, citable, secure and durably preserved. Harvard is NOT a member institution of the QDR; however you can deposit your own qualitative data there, as well as use the data of others! (As this is not a resource Harvard subscribe to - please let us know if you are interested in using this collection.) 

To register for an account with the QDR:

  • Go to: https://qdr.syr.edu/user/register
  • Fill out form using email address
  • Confirmation will be sent to your email, verify your account via the emailed instructions
  • Then you can login and you're good to start!

UK Data Archive

UK Data Services, Qualitative and Mixed Methods Datasets

The UK Data Service is a a place to both deposit data and find secondary datasets for use in your analysis.