Biographical Sources - General
Celebrate Women in STEM offers a timeline from Caroline Herschel to the present.
4000 Years of Women in Science
The Untold History of Women in Science and Technology: Listen to women from across the Administration tell the stories of their personal heroes across the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
American women in science: a biographical dictionary, by Martha J. Bailey. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1994, 463 p.
Cabot Science | REF | Q130 .B25 1994
Schlesinger | Ref. | 509 B155a
Wolbach Library | Ready Reference | Q141 .B25 1994X
American women in science: 1950 to the present: a biographical dictionary, by Martha J. Bailey. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1998, 455 p.
Widener | RR 5004.7.5
Cabot Science | REF | Q130 .B254 1998
Schlesinger | Ref. | 509 B155a, 1998
Wolbach Library | Ready Reference | Q141 .B254 1998
Museum Comp Zoology | Ref. | Q141 .B254 1998
The biographical dictionary of women in science: pioneering lives from ancient times to the mid-20th century, ed. by Marilyn Ogilvie and Joy Harvey. NY: Routledge, 2000. 2 v.
Widener | RR 5004.7.8
Schlesinger | Ref. | 509.22 O34b
Cabot Science | REF | Q130 .B5285 2000
Lamont | REFERENCE | Q141 .B5285 2000
Ladies in the laboratory?: American and British women in science, 1800-1900: a survey of their contributions to research, by Mary R.S. Creese. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1998, 452 p.
Widener | WID-LC | Q141 .C69 1998
Lamont | Q141 .C69 1998
Museum Comp Zoology | Ref. | Q141 .C69 1998
Ladies in the laboratory II: West European women in science, 1800-1900: a survey of their contributions to research, by Mary R. S. Creese. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2004, 290 p.
Museum Comp Zoology | Ref. | Q141 .C693 2004
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository | 500 C913ℓ, 2003, oversize
Widener | WID-LC | Q141 .C693 2004
Cabot Science | Q141 .C693 2004
Ladies in the laboratory III: South African, Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian women in science: nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: a survey of their contributions, by Mary R.S. Creese. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2010, 247 p.
Widener | WID-LC | Q141 .C6933 2010
Women pioneers of science, by Louis Haber. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979, 171 p.
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 509.22 H11w
Widener | Harvard Depository | Q141 .H215
Complete Dictionary of scientific biography is the online version of the Dictionary of scientific biography and New Dictionary of Scientific Biography.
Additional sources for science biography are available.
General Sources
American National Biography is the standard American source for biographies of major figures. Can do searches of occupations and limit by date.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography is the standard British source for biographies of major figures. Can do searches of occupations and limit by date: Advanced Search Options: People Search.
World Biographical Information System includes full text of thousands of biographical dictionaries accessible by name of biographee. Partly online full text, partly microfiche or print. More information.
Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) indexes thousands of English-language biographical dictionaries and other compendia. Not full text; one must do HOLLIS searches for retrieved sources.
Biographical Sources by Discipline
Biographies of Women Mathematicians
Notable women in mathematics : a biographical dictionary, ed. by Charlene Morrow and Teri Perl. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1998, 302 p.
Cabot Science | Harvard Depository | QA28 .N68 1998
Schlesinger | Ref. | 510.922 M883n
Widener | WID-LC | QA28 .N68 1998
Women of mathematics : a biobibliographic sourcebook, ed. by Louise S. Grinstein and Paul J. Campbell. New York : Greenwood Press, 1987, 292 p.
Cabot Science | QA28 .W66 1987
Schlesinger | Ref. | 510.922 G868w
Widener | Harvard Depository | QA28 .W66 1987
Women of mathematics from Hypatia to Emmy Noether : a bibliography of sources at Harvard, by Jon Chenette. Cambridge, Ma.: Cabot Science Library, Harvard University, 1983, 15 p.
Cabot Science | Harvard Depository | QA28 .C4 1983
Physical Sciences
A devotion to their science : pioneer women of radioactivity, by Marelene F. Rayner-Canham and Geoffrey W. Rayner-Canham. Philadelphia : Chemical Heritage Foundation ; Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997, 307 p.
Widener | WID-LC | QC15 .R39 1997 Lost
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Notable women in the physical sciences : a biographical dictionary, ed. by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1997, 479 p.
Schlesinger | Ref. | 500.2 S539n
Widener | WID-LC | Q141 .N734 1997
Wolbach Library | Ready Reference | Q141 .N734 1997
Women in chemistry and physics : a biobibliographic sourcebook, ed. by Louise S. Grinstein, Rose K. Rose, and Miriam H. Rafailovich. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1993, 721 p.
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 540.922 G868w
Widener | WID-LC | QD21 .W62 1993
Wolbach Library | Ready Reference | QD21 .W62 1993
Women in chemistry : their changing roles from alchemical times to the mid-twentieth century, by Marelene Rayner-Canham, Geoffrey Rayner-Canham. Washington, DC : American Chemical Society : Chemical Heritage Foundation, 1998, 284 p.
Cabot Science | QD20 .R39 1998
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 540 R275w
Widener | Harvard Depository | QD20 .R39 1998
Women in the history of variable star astronomy, by Dorrit Hoffleit. Cambridge, Mass.: American Association of Variable Star Observers, 1993. 62 p. Wolbach Library | QB34.5 .H64 1993
Life Sciences
Women botanists of Ohio, born before 1900, by Ronald L. Stuckey. Columbus, Ohio : RLS Creations, 1992, 67 p.
Botany Gray Herbarium | QK26 .S86 1992x
Women in the biological sciences : a biobibliographic sourcebook, ed. by Louise S. Grinstein, Carol A. Biermann, and Rose K. Rose. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1997, 609 p.
Museum Comp Zoology | QH26 .W66 1997
Widener | WID-LC | QH26 .W66 1997
Women in the field : America's pioneering women naturalists, by Marcia Myers Bonta. College Station : Texas A & M University Press, 1991, 299 p.
Botany Gray Herbarium | QH26 .B66 1991
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 508 B722w
Widener | WID-LC | QH26 .B66 1991
Women physiologists : an anniversary celebration of their contributions to British physiology, ed. by Lynn Bindman, Alison Brading, Tilli Tansey. London ; Chapel Hill, [N.C.] : Portland Press, 1993, 166 p.
Widener | WID-LC | QP25 W66 1993x
Women pioneers for the environment, by Mary Joy Breton. Boston : Northeastern University Press, 1998, 322 p.
Lamont | GE55 .B74 1998 Museum Comp Zoology | GE55 .B74 1998
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 363.7 B844w
Widener | WID-LC | GE55 .B74 1998
Women who studied plants in the pre-twentieth century United States and Canada, by E. D. Rudolph. Taxon, v. 39, no. 2, pp. 151-205, 1990.
Annotated bibliography of women in medicine, by Beverly C. Walters, Irene Y. McNeill. Toronto : Ontario Medical Association, 1993, 211 p.
Countway Medicine | Harvard Depository | W 21 W235a 1993
Widener | WID-LC | R692.Z99 W35 1993x
Pioneering efforts of women in medicine and the medical sciences [videorecording]. [Palo Alto, Calif.] : Stanford Channel [2000] 9 videocassettes (ca. 453 min.)
Chemistry | Harvard Depository Videotape/DVD+R
Women doctors of the world, by Esther Pohl Lovejoy. New York, Macmillan, 1957. 413 p.
Countway Medicine | Harvard Depository | 1.Pw.26.
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 610 L89w, c.1
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 610 L89w, c.2 2
Women, health, and medicine in America : a historical handbook, ed. by Rima D. Apple. New York : Garland Pub., 1990, 580 p.
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 610 A648w
Widener | WID-LC | RA564.85 .W664 1990
Women in medicine; a bibliography of the literature on women physicians, ed. by Sandra L. Chaff et al. Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow Press, 1977. 1124 p.
Countway Medicine | Rare Books Reference | R692 .C34
Countway Medicine | ZW 21 W872 1977
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 016.61 C43w
Women physicians of the world : autobiographies of medical pioneers, ed. by Leone McGregor Hellstedt. Washington : Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1978, 420 p.
Countway Medicine | Harvard Depository | WZ 150 W872 1978
Countway Medicine | Rare Books Reference | R692 .W87 1978
Women pioneers of medical research : biographies of 25 outstanding scientists, by King-Thom Chung. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2010, 212 p.
Cabot Science | R850 .C485 2010
Countway Medicine | WZ 150 C559w 2010
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request RSNF9J
Human Sciences
Women in the field : anthropological experiences, ed. by Peggy Golde. 2nd ed. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1986, 397 p.
Andover-Harv. Theol | GN20 .W65 1986
Tozzer | Harvard Depository | ANT. G 565 w 1986
Widener | WID-LC | GN20 .W65 1986
Encyclopedia of women in aviation and space, by Rosanne Welch. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, 1998, 286 p.
Schlesinger | Ref. | 629.13 W441e
Widener | WID-LC | TL539 .W395 1998
Mothers and daughters of invention : notes for a revised history of technology, by Autumn Stanley. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1993, 1116 p.
Baker Business | Stacks -- LC Books | T36 .S73 1993
Schlesinger | Ref. | 604.82 S787m
Widener | WID-LC | T36 .S73 1993
Mothers of invention : from the bra to the bomb : forgotten women & their unforgettable ideas, by Ethlie Ann Vare & Greg Ptacek. New York : Morrow, 1988. 256 p.
Gutman Education | T36 .V36 1988
Lamont | T36 .V36 1988
Schlesinger | Harvard Depository -- contact library to request | 604.82 V292m
Widener | WID-LC | T36 .V36 1988